Parents visiting classrooms

Funny how that decline seems to be since Ofsted has been involved in assessing schools and insisting that we all do things their way and jump through their hoops.
We're talking about Corgi yeah?

I would imagine cantaloup that you have encountered teachers who under perform
yes, but in my experience they tend to "underperform" since the goalposts keep moving and they become tired, undervalued and disenchanted.
Disenchantment et al aside, let's be honest, we've probably all come across people in various professions, trades etc who couldn't give a monkeys about the job. They're in a job they don't really want to do and do the bear minimum. The old saying is if you don't like it, you know where the door is. It may sound harsh but I'm fed up with the softly softly pc airy fairy diluted communication adopted by modern business. Don't get that wrong, I would whole heartedly stamp out bullying, racism, sexism, and/or any form of abuse. But we're at a point now where we can't communicate with each other without everything being bloody analysed.

....if this idea is not acceptable
I didn't say that it wouldn't be acceptable. I would like to see some kind of evidence and research/trialling to determine its effectiveness.
How does such research/trailing happen if teachers oppose it? There's certainly been an outcry against it today from Teachers unions.

is there one that is, in order to ensure our children's education is the best that they can get.
Yes - stop p**sing around with the curriculum, get shot of Ofsted and replace it with some kind of body that will actually help and advise rather than judge how well "we" slot into their tick-box mentality,
We're back to Corgi aren't we? Seriously though, I would agree with you canta.

Also curious how this decline seems to have come about since "social inclusion" has been fully rolled out :rolleyes:
remove wayward children from mainstream so that the majority of those involved in "education" (i.e. well adjusted humanoid children) can get on with it unhindered.
Couldn't agree more with those points mate.
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Structly on the subject of poor teachers, these are very few and far between in my experience and don't really create too much of a problem.
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