Part P - Will it change anyone's life?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Don't know if I'm 'llowed to talk shoppe here, it may be moved but here goes:

I am seriously considering leaving the industry when Part P comes in.

Are there any other pro sparks or other trades out there who are thinking the same way?
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securespark said:
I am seriously considering leaving the industry when Part P comes in.
What will you do instead ? Can you do something else, if so great.

I've left the trades many years ago and I was fed up with it then, let alone the red tape today. I will never go back to the building trades unless I've no choice.

I don't think it matter what job you go to, there will always be Part something or red tape interferring our job lives. Having said that, some job are less hassles than others.
Now this is interesting. Why would a qualified and legitimate electrician like (in)securespark :D be thinking of knocking it on the head???

Is this to do with all the b eurocracy involved now?

It's would just be ironic that good qualified electricians leave the trade because of part p and rougue bodgers continue like they have always done (because rougues don't care about how things should be done in the first place!)

A perfect example of good intentions in principle having the complete opposite of the desired effect. :confused:

Is part p in place yet?? I saw some leaflets at my local electrical wholesalers a month ago. (I was working on a boat, so part p doesn't count! ;) ) if it is up and running does anyone know it is??? The sheds are still selling leccy stuff to the public etc.

After spending all this money drafting the blooming thing and no-one takes a blind bit of notice! :rolleyes:
secularspark said:
..... I am seriously considering leaving the industry when Part P comes in....

Going back - sort of - on the grub gravy train ? ;)

Food is where the dosh is surely?

You must not desert the forum, Part Pee or not !! We would miss your bonhomy and unpiercable hide !! ;)

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Hey there SS! Don't be in such a rush. If you're already in the trade isn't it just a question of registering with NICEIC? Or have I got that wrong? Yes they are meant to come round and certify you (yes, I did mean that) but I still reckon they've got their sums wrong. There are thousands of electrical installers, only a few months left and probably a team of 10 to certify everybody - pure speculation. I reckon that it will either sink or swim depending on how many people register, how responsive NICEIC are and whether anybody takes any notice of it.
I too am a little confused securespark. Why would you be leaving your trade?
Surely as a qualified electrician it should be fairly straightforward for you to find a self certifying scheme for you to join and prove your expertise.
And surely with all that extra work from DIYers who need to have their work certified or even installed as a legal requirement, you'd be in more demand than ever.
Isn't all this good for the electrical industry? Sort of similar to CORGI for gas in that no one can undertake electrical work without being assessed to be competent.
Or am I missing something??
I am in favour of a registration scheme for electricians, similar to other countries like Australia, you get a licence with a number and use it to sign off jobs, but tying it up to building regs seems an odd way to go about it, why not extend the JIB scheme which is alredy in place. Also part p is only applicable to dwellings, so what about the rest, ride em cowboy?
I have been a little unfair. There is a tad more to this than meets the eye.

I am now part time, doing three days a week with my boys (I recommend it to anyone, btw!!). This means that my turnover is greatly reduced, and as such, I have to consider whether any outlay to become a competent person will be worthwhile. Plus, my eldest has just started primary, and needs dropping off and picking up early five days a week, thus reducing my potential earning hours even further. Yes, I could consider paying for after school care, but with another son in nursery and another in the oven, I am fast thinking I cannot viably carry on.

There is also a little narkedness in the equation. Like the fact that govts never talk to the people to see what they have to say before introducing changes in legislation.

Pip, Thanks mate for you kind words - I won't desert the forum!

Ian - Do you think some professional sparks will ignore Part P? And what is the penalty for flying in the face of Two Jags?

I know from my own customer survey that nobody (literally zero people)has heard of PP and has no idea what will be happening in January.

But I don't want to break the law either, and nice though carrying on would be, I just don't think it is financially viable.

Going back into the food industry would be great but although I am a fully qualified Food Technologist, I have not been in the industry since 1988.

Also, who wants a Techie that only does two short days?

What do you reckon I could do self-employed, that I could fit around school hours?

Answers on a postcard, please, to................
crystal ball said:
part p is only applicable to dwellings, so what about the rest, ride em cowboy?

I won't take this personally... :rolleyes:

securespark said:
What do you reckon I could do self-employed, that I could fit around school hours?

Answers on a postcard, please, to................

:idea: This maybe... :D
Actually I did...

Your handle - can you judge the quality of peoples work without seeing it first hand?

Just wondered...
Cheers MMJ! I read your post soon after I wrote the question! Cool!

But I guess it would involve permission from the s/markets concerned, and a bit of nous. Now, where is the screenwash bottle?

And if I do take you up on the suggestion, what's your fee?
securespark said:
And if I do take you up on the suggestion, what's your fee?
Christ! did I post the wrong URL again!!!! :oops:

I reckon about £5 - 15 mins work, £20 an hour.

You could throw in the screen wash for that. ;)
Part time window cleaning ?? My mate got away from his high pressure job and now enjoying working to suit his flex- time. He's charging £7 to £12 plus per house depending how many window. £15/£20 per hour on average, make you wonder to got it right !
Black cab. I was mulling over this for while when I sold my business. I went and did the tests and got the licence, but never got round to do it.

At the time (3 years ago) I talked to a friend about it for his opinion. Guess what, he went and got one himself! He tells me it is the best thing he ever did, he has a 2 drivers for nights and weekends and only uses it himself as and when, in the daytime, mainly on the school runs. Last time we spoke he said he clears £25-£30K and was looking for another one.

I can think of no other self employment where you have as much flexibility without letting people down. You also get paid there and then with no accounts etc. Work stops and starts with the radio, switch it off and thats it, no worries about work.

BTW, my licence as now expired!
So I can cover Sale without getting into trouble, then?! :LOL:
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