paying for entrance

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
I was brave enough to go into Rotherham town centre last night, to pay a visit to their alcohol dispensaries. I am a Doncaster man, and dont normally venture this far afield ;) All was going well, until about 11:00 when we decided to go to a nightclub. Looked like a fairly new place, called Liquid. Great, gonna have a ball in here, i thought. Went in, thought oh ill get my loose change out to get in . . . turned out its SEVEN POUNDS to get in! Had to break into another tenner! I wouldn't have paid it if we hadn't just walked half a mile in the freezing cold to get there. I said to the woman at the desk, "even Trilogy in doncaster doesn't charge that much". She replied, almost giving me a deadeye, "we're better than trilogy"

When i got in, i could see why they charge so much, they have clearly put a lot of effort into the interior, very complex lighting systems and modern decor. But it seems they always charge that much, there were no special offer posters about or anything :eek: I didn't know people in Rotherham had that much money to spend! :LOL: (no offence intended to anyone on here from Rotherham) ;) 2 drinks set my mate back £7.50

Whats the most you have ever paid to get into a nightclub?
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Good job you aren't from Barnsley - they are really tight, so I've heard.

I think £7 is about the going rate now!

I once had a spare ticket for an event at Sheffield University Union, called Pop Tarts, original cost £4. It was a popular event and people would always be asking if anyone had any spare tickets. Two girls started bantering over my ticket and I sold it for £50! :eek: I asked her why and she said "A bloke I fancy has already gone in". :rolleyes:
Don't think I've ever paid more than £20 to get into a nightclub.

Perhaps they are hard to make a profit out of? I doubt that very much!

I know some absolute dives that charge £10 to get in. You can't help but wonder how they feel it is worth spending £10 to get into a rubbish nightclub full of townies in a rubbish provincial town. But then I realise the justification as I walk up to the bar to buy a £5 bottle of beer... I just paid £10 to get in, yet I'm supposed to be intelligent. There are plenty of idiots in the world who will pay it! :LOL:

"Student nights" that cost buttons to get in and have cheap drinks feel like decent value for money as you spend very little and the people generally don't seem to be trouble makers. Good clubs in citys where you can have a good time without the "wrong element" arriving feel like decent value for money because you get so much.

I just object to spending posh club money to pass an evening in a c**p club! :LOL:

I was in a place called "Batchwood Hall" in St Albans last week. Packed to the brim with sweaty chavs. Few understood club etiquette about getting through a crowd (use of body language, a few "Scuse me"'s here and there), preferring instead to just barge straight into people. Bar-queue rules went straight out of the window, and needless to say a couple of fights broke out amongst them, presumably some menial dispute regarding who had the whitest trainers.

And they only served Stella... ONLY Stella?! No other beers, just Stella. I'm sure most of us appreciate Stella's unique charms (I know Moz is partial to a few cans) but do you really want to limit yourself to just one beer?

EDIT: Just thought I should mention, Trilogy in Doncaster is the ONLY club I have ever been refused entry to... Reason? I wasn't dressed smartly enough :LOL: It was a Tuesday night even!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Best thing I ever did was invest in membership of local country club / night spot ... Changed my outlook as a young man .. twas a touch of class, as were the female clientele...
Take a date there and they were truly impressed with the laid back sheer fun of the place and the manners of the membership.. a very good investment.
Do such places exist now? I guess they must.. somewhere.
If I were a youngish hunter .. I would be looking for such a place... :D :D :D :D ;)
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crafty1289 said:
I was brave enough to go into Rotherham town centre last night, to pay a visit to their alcohol dispensaries.

????? Visit Rotherham for a night out?
AdamW said:
EDIT: Just thought I should mention, Trilogy in Doncaster is the ONLY club I have ever been refused entry to... Reason? I wasn't dressed smartly enough :LOL: It was a Tuesday night even!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Now there's something i dont hear very often!!!! On a Tuesday???? I have seen the sorts of people they let in on a Tuesday, its like "anything goes" "alternative night" perhaps you were dressed too smartly???

Petewood, one of my friends lives in Rotherham, she usually comes to Doncaster for nights out (due to its superior quality night life ;) ) but she has to drive home then, so cant drink, so instead she invited us all to stay at her house and go to Rotherham's pubs instead, so we could all drink!
Well, I'm off out tonight and the club I intend going to charges £8.50 entry on a Saturday night - it's about the going rate these days unfortunately....
i think the big ones in the middle of brighton are into the teens for entrance fee and then about 4.50 for a bottle

thats why ive stopped going....and im too old!
petewood said:
crafty1289 said:
I was brave enough to go into Rotherham town centre last night, to pay a visit to their alcohol dispensaries.

????? Visit Rotherham for a night out?

Spent three weeks in R/ham recently...but then, I'm not a great drinker! The Belvedere was as far as I got...
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