Piano Man returns

28 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
To Bavaria, where he is believed to be a member of a islamonazi party splinter group called the Ed-Shells who are releasing a cover of the 1959 hit by the Edsels...called Islamaramadingdong...It was reported that while in the care of the Kent NHS psychiatric trust he obsessively tried to carry out diy tasks on the crumbling victorian asylum. The bill for his stay will be sent to the German embassy in case he is accused of sponging off the country. :rolleyes:
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In Viz they said

"What if he had been a virtuoso percussionist? Would they have been so impressed with him bashing cymbals together repeatedly?"
AdamW said:
In Viz they said

"What if he had been a virtuoso percussionist? Would they have been so impressed with him bashing cymbals together repeatedly?"
At least one psychaitrist would have said that it was symbolic :eek: :LOL: Worse still he could`ve played the pink oboe.
I must admit, I thought he was just putting it on, as a prelude to some publicity for a record coming out in the future, but I guess he's strung it out for a bit too long now for that to be true.

I've heard that the story about him being a piano virtuoso now boils down to him drawing a picture of a piano and then hitting the same key repeatedly, but apparently we're allowed to know no more about the case because of confidentiality....
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jtaunton said:
I've heard that the story about him being a piano virtuoso now boils down to him drawing a picture of a piano and then hitting the same key repeatedly, but apparently we're allowed to know no more about the case because of confidentiality....
OK- I give up - what was the point of you saying that?
Erm.....No hidden meanings intended - Just that some reports are now saying he wasn't quite as much of a piano virtuoso as we were originally led to believe.
OK - sorry - just wondered if you were trying to make some point or other.

The reports I read said that he'd been spoofing having some kind of amnesia-type problem, or mental illness (extremely well, apparently), but could actually play the piano. Not a "virtuoso", but a "very talented amateur". It's easy to see how if you were not knowledgeable about classical music, or concert pianists, you might hear a "very talented amateur" and think he was a fantastic pianist. If he stuck to pieces he knew well, I'm not sure I could tell the difference.
No worries!!

I think I know what the other thing you thought I was getting at was too, but no - it was just about this story and no other - The other thing has been more than amply covered of late.

Apparently a few papers have been carrying the 'single note' story today - Sounds like the whole thing was bigged up to make it a more interesting story.
looks like the media hyped this one up and got it wrong again, seems to be a bit of a theme with them at the moment
I've read that he didn't actually draw the whole piano by himself.
Maybe thats why he plays a few keys short of the full board.
And I've now read a newspaper report which talks about the single-note thing.

I give up.

I could easily see how someone at the hospital could report a gifted amateur as a virtuoso, but just banging on one note?

Unless it was a deliberate falsification, put out in order to get the story reported as widely as possible, in the hope of identifying the guy? "Soaking Wet Mystery Man Plinks One Note" is not going to be as newsworthy as "Soaking Wet Mystery Man Is Virtuoso Pianist"...
Was he wearing a puffer jacket with wires hanging out of it as well when he was 'discovered'?
No - nobody has ever dressed like that in the whole of recorded human history... ;)
pna said:
Was he wearing a puffer jacket with wires hanging out of it as well when he was 'discovered'?
..yes there were piano wires but the police de fused the situation.......if he`d been indoors naked, in a seaside town, it would have been different...
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