Post any old song you can think of.

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Twilight Cafe, Susan Fassbender.

A cracking tune, just a shame more was not forthcoming. There were a couple more, but not as successful.

And a very sad end for her.
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I've never heard of her or the above song
Looked her up. Very sad story.
Puccini's Humming Chorus from the opera Madame Butterfly.
If you don't know the story, it's very similar to the story line in Miss Saigon, except it's set in Japan not Vietnam.
This song is when Madame Butterfly realises that her husband, who is American, returns to Japan after years of absence, and his Japanese wife Madame Butterfly, and Madame Butterfly becomes aware of his American wife. Madame Butterfly is expected to give up her son to her husband to be brought up in America, by his American wife.
The opera predates Miss Saigon by about 90 years.

All that chat about iron in the quiz thread brought this tune bubbling up from the depths...saw them on this tour and the noise still resonates in the back of my mind. I couldn't hear properly for days after but what a gig!

...hard to believe they're all gone now: Lemmy; 'Fast' Eddie, and 'Philthy' Phil.

I imagine they're riding an iron horse, along an iron road.: no heaven nor hell, just an endless road under a blood-red sky, the wind in their hair, a crimson moon reflected on their coal-black shades, a fat blunt jammed behind their ear and a hot rock-chick riding pillion, arms wrapped around their neck and legs wrapped around their waist. What a way to go.... :cool:
...and, since that's taken me back to '81, i can't leave it without thinking about Donington and one of the greatest gigs of all.

you had to be there, man.:evil:
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