Prince Andrew settles US civil sex assault case

The more I read about this, the more it looks like she always knew what she was doing, and likely enjoyed here work.
Also, if Prince Andrew knew she was paid by Maxwell, he probably would not have posed for such a cheery photo.
The whole case looks pretty clear - a young woman was offered work as an elite escort, which she happily accepted - she was already working in hospitality as a locker room attendant before being recruited. She was paid around $15,000 to spend an evening with high class clients. Sometimes she would go to events and parties, and mingle with singles, as many escorts do. She was asked by Maxwell to go and keep Andrew company, and judging by the photo, he considered it innocent (no man would have a photo taken with an escort, ever, no matter what the situation) and he probably enjoyed the attention - he was a prince, so not unreasonable to assume that a young woman might be interested in him.

And as said, it is an old profession that attracts many people. Not everybody doing it has been "sex trafficked". Those that are, are not earning $15,000 a night, they are probably getting closer to $20 a time, a tenth of what the pimp takes, and they are not going to fancy parties, they are in grotty motel rooms.

She probably consulted lawyers after the Epstein case to see how she might be able to make some more money.

Does she look coerced? As my wife said - he was a good looking Prince, what young woman wouldn't dream of the chance to be his princess.

Or ... another thought. It was always about money - maybe the photo was specifically for the money - they originally thought they would blackmail the Prince ...
this all looks far too relaxed and happy to be a case of "I was sex trafficked and forced to have sex with millionaires".

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Deary deary me ...
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The more I read about this, the more it looks like she always knew what she was doing, and likely enjoyed here work.

Virginia Guiffre may well have used what happened as an opportunity to exploit people, but she can still be a victim

She may well have enjoyed the glamorous lifestyle but I doubt she enjoyed "the work"

I wouldn't read anything into the smile
I wonder if Prince Andrew will find himself sweating when he writes out that $12m cheque
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I don't want to sit here defending the bloke, because I can't stand him really, but it looks like a 'can I have a photo' moment. If it had been last year it would have been a selfie. As somebody said above, he was probably flattered and who would have a photo taken with the underage girl your just about to abuse? But, people see things how they want to and a lot of people prefer to read it as evidence of whatever their fertile little minds decide on. I just prefer to see things objectively - even of he is an odious little tIt.
I don't want to sit here defending the bloke, because I can't stand him really, but it looks like a 'can I have a photo' moment. If it had been last year it would have been a selfie. As somebody said above, he was probably flattered and who would have a photo taken with the underage girl your just about to abuse? But, people see things how they want to and a lot of people prefer to read it as evidence of whatever their fertile little minds decide on. I just prefer to see things objectively - even of he is an odious little tIt.
But if it was just a 'can I have a photo moment', surely he would have nothing to hide from a court case?
No. She cannot run a charity and pay herself. She can work for a charity and her salary can be agreed by the trustees.
trustee family members /friends etc so put it simply she can pay herself as has happened with thousands of charities its not rocket science
THFC said:
I can confidently put your mind at rest and say that it will never happen

Cheers Jeds
Oh dear. I think you'll find that, had you bothered to actually read the part of the post I was laughing at, you will see that it was the bit about her 'not doing it for the money'.

I find it hard to believe that anyone, even a perv, would be interested in whisking a 65 year old off to a life of luxury, but I live in hope (y)
surely he would have nothing to hide from a court case?
Not disputing that, I'm just commenting on the photo that a lot of people have decided is proof of something. The only thing it might be proof of is that he might have met the girl - which he said he hadn't. But it doesn't prove anything beyond that.
Not disputing that, I'm just commenting on the photo that a lot of people have decided is proof of something. The only thing it might be proof of is that he might have met the girl - which he said he hadn't. But it doesn't prove anything beyond that.
I don't think he said he hadn't met her. I think he said that he couldn't remember meeting her or having that picture taken. There is a difference. I wouldn't like to guess how many photographs he has had taken in his lifetime so it's not unreasonable to expect him to remember every one of them. BTW, I'm not defending him, I think he's a slippery ****!
his initial defence was ‘never met her ‘ i thought.

In his interview with "Newsnight," however, Prince Andrew said he couldn't remember ever meeting Giuffre.
"(She) had made allegations against you," Maitlis said. "She says she met you in 2001, she says she dined with you, danced with you at Tramp Nightclub in London. She went on to have sex with you in a house in Belgravia belonging to Ghislaine Maxwell, your friend. Your response?"
"I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady. None, whatsoever," the Duke of York said.
"You don't remember meeting her?" Maitlis asked.
"No," he said.
Not disputing that, I'm just commenting on the photo that a lot of people have decided is proof of something. The only thing it might be proof of is that he might have met the girl - which he said he hadn't. But it doesn't prove anything beyond that.

In the settlement it does not, you are correct. Have you read the two different links I posted last night from two papers one of which is a top-selling paper?

Who in their right mind not want to defend their honour/integrity if they could afford it?

I doubt very much the courts would have awarded 12 million either way.

Going back about 22 years I was driving to work in my Audi it was early ie just before 8amand near the office in a London town centre. There are two lanes there, and another road for turning left and several bus stops so its a wide road. It is and still is a 30mph road and I was driving within the speed limit and as I approached the lights I slow down to stop if lights turn amber. As the front end of my car reached the lights it turned amber and I crossed the second junction it was still amber and it was not safe to stop ie emergency brake as car up my rear so it was safer to cross as per highcode.. As I drove along a PC stepped out into the road and signalled for me to pull over and the car behind me moved to the outside land and went past me. He falsely accused me of "jumping the red lights."
I put up a minor disagreement all polite but I knew he would not listen and wirelessed his other colleague at the traffic lights and said nothing but he moved from accusing me of jumping red lights and told me to produce my documents at the local station. I asked him what about the car that was behind me he said "what about it"? I took the piece of paper from him, finished work got home for 4ish looked for my documents and in those days there were so many papers that looked the same EG the ins certificate and the bit with details of your name, car etc. Took it to the station the same day and produced the papers and the PC at the desk asked me what happened and his reply was "you did jump the red lights" I thought WTF don't mess with these people then to my shock my mistake he said he was going to charge me with "failing to produce the documents" - He pointed out the paper was not the certificate but the (I foget what you call it but it has your details inc your car etc and those days looked close to the cert if not looked at carefully) I said sorry I'll just go back to the car and back in 2 mins as I've got the envelope there. He said "no.. you have failed to produce the docs."

I did not argue with the clown as it is not worth it as I had worked with officers in the past when i was working for the Home Office. I went home, rang the station was initially fobbed off and I demanded the chief officer name and I wrote a concise letter details events, Highway code and my mistake of handing the wrong doc and offering to provide the correct one within 2 minutes on the first day I was asked to do so and in my judgment, the officers were both being unreasonable when there was clear evidence I was insured and along with that I sent a copy of doc I handed my mistake and the certificate. Also advised not happy with the way I was spoken to by both officers.

Couple of days later got a letter/response and apology. Therefore, I was not guilty I knew I was innocent I knew they'd let the real culprit get away and a small mistake that I was read to reflect within 2 minutes was not allowed amounted to bullying.

A few years later there was an accident and we were stuck in traffic and I was going to pick up my OH from work, so when it was all safe and clear I indicated and started a three-point turn, like several had done before me without indicating and doing it at speed etc. The PC stepped off the pavement and swung open my door on the passenger side and said "can't you wait a few minutes"?? I said to him I was doing nothing wrong and was running late and asked him why he did not stop the others and why he had startled me and asked for his name etc. He pointed towards his shoulder and then slammed my new cars door a Merc at the time. I go out of the car and walked up to him and told him that I'd worked hard for my car and no one slams the door like that he was speechless. I then made a formal complaint against this one and received an official apology.

So you see, I was innocent and was not going to have my integrity questioned by someone with an agenda.

PS: I've met many, many good police officers and on the whole 99% of them do a great job and are very fair
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