prince philip i wish him well

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The point being I wouldn't get done for using all kinds of vile insults in that situation, but the person calling me "slitty eyes" would be risking it in your world. :rolleyes:

I'm not complaining about any one individual comment. I'm complaining about the repetitive multiple comments that accumulate, even allowed to acumulate, to create institutional racism.
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The point being I wouldn't get done for using all kinds of vile insults in that situation, but the person calling me "slitty eyes" would be risking it in your world. :rolleyes:

I'm not complaining about any one individual comment. I'm complaining about the repetitive multiple comments that accumulate, even allowed to acumulate, to create institutional racism.

So diynot is now institutionally racist?

Do get a grip!

Similarly I could put forward the proposition that some here are 'institutionally paranoid'.... ;)
some are treated money no object others are just a number for the health service accountants to work out a reason to save money often by rationing or extended obstacles allowing health to deteriorate beyond operable levels

I have to disagree. Could you clarify the above.
after you clarify your point first:cool:

Did your mother not teach you anything.

You should never answer a question with a question.
Red Herring wrote.

You blame migrants for the current economic situation in the UK, despite it being a worldwide phenomenon. You argue that the million plus young unemployed is the fault of migrants. You then cite fictitious examples of migrants entering the UK and drawing benefits without contributing.
Well, which is it, the migrants coming here and not working or the migrants coming here and taking all the jobs?
Or should we just blame everything on the migrants?
Sorry, Joe, but the European migrants have every legal right to be here. I’m not defending the political decisions, but they have been made and I accept them.
I may or may not work towards better political decisions in the future. But what I will never do is to persecute groups of people that are behaving perfectly legally.
Don’t bother asking for my opinion on the recent farm evictions ‘cos you ain’t gonna get it.

I didn't request the thread be locked. if you want to kick my butt - then get on with it. I'm waiting.
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The point being I wouldn't get done for using all kinds of vile insults in that situation, but the person calling me "slitty eyes" would be risking it in your world. :rolleyes:

I'm not complaining about any one individual comment. I'm complaining about the repetitive multiple comments that accumulate, even allowed to acumulate, to create institutional racism.
So do not join in. Quite easy really.
i have been turned away from a place in bournemouth because i was white.
i popped in with some friends for a meal to be told" we do not serve your type in here" i asked what they meant and was told no whites.

Been subject to the same..................yet the moderators here think if we make one bad remark they can close the discussions.

One rule for one?????????????????
So diynot is now institutionally racist?

Do get a grip!

Similarly I could put forward the proposition that some here are 'institutionally paranoid'.... ;)

I didn't say that diynot is institutionally racist.
I said that acculmulated racist abusive posts can give rise to institutional racism.

I see institutional racism, in this scenario, as an endemic climate of not welcoming all sections of society equally. Perhaps overtly critical of certain creeds, races, religions, etc.

I'd booked in to see the shrink tomorrow, but he refused to see me on the grounds that he doesn't like me. ;)
So are you in favour of open door Britain? Or are you institutionally racist too?
So are you in favour of open door Britain? Or are you institutionally racist too?

Aw, come on, Joe, we've been here before and back again.

You've given me two mutually exclusive choices. I'll choose neither response. There are grey areas in between, even in simplistic situations.
Just because you didn't like the answer, please don't repeatedly ask the same old question.
See what I mean - he's waffling already.:rolleyes:

I consider the UK to be overcrowded already. I want immigration stopped. How about you? When do YOU consider the UK full and want immigration stopped?
I don't know why you're so interested in my opinion.
My reponse is, in your opinion is more waffle:

The immigration issue is a multi-faceted, complex issue.
Joe, the multi-talented, with no qualifications in economics, politics, anthropology, sociology, ecology, or any other ‘ology has formulated a workable solution to the current political and economic problems facing the UK, and other countries, in a ‘back-of-an-envelope’ solution.
This is a problem that has occupied numerous teams of qualified researchers submitting theses, which are then considered by many committees who forward suggestions to elected and unelected leaders of the country, who formulate acceptable political and social policies that are judged by the electorate.
They should have asked Joe, it would have saved so much time and energy.
More waffle. If you have no opinion - then bogga off. :rolleyes:
It looks like we have the measure of Joe. In considering a complex problem, we receive a simplistic solution.

When it's pointed out that his simplistic solution is overly simplistic, we recieve a more vulgar response.
A bit like a referendum then eh? Now give us your opinion or go away.
Now give us your opinion or go away.

Again, a mutually exclusive choice. Again I choose neither.

Except, on this occasion I do. I've lost a morning's work sitting here, wasting time. Fortunately I'm in a position to choose when I work.
But I must go and do something, otherwise I'll feel guilty again later.
So, I'm going now, not as one of Joe's choices, but 'cos I should have gone before. ;)
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