Private funding of Olympic hopefuls

27 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
Just watched the news about how the private sector are being looked to to fill the promises of backing the future althletes etc after the government had started off the backing previously.

But with the crunch affecting businesses and job losses on the horizon for many, do we need to get our priorities right and protect jobs rather than future hopeful olympic medalists?

What do others think?
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As I opened this thread, I was thinking that there are more important things in life, especially at the moment, so I'm in complete agreement with you on this, Tim.
The trouble is that we are all the first to moan about how crap we are when we fail at sport. The british cycling team have shown that money buys success. I reckon the companies that have promised should honour those promises. They are the first to connect with athletes when things go well,

Besides, I reckon there is loads of rubbish policies that waste our money, such as 20 million on a parents helpline. I would rather it is wasted on sport than that!!!! buys success...
Says it all though, really, doesn't it? What happened to the Olympic spirit of amateur status?

Anyhow, it's all short -term "glory", can you remember who won what in China? And does it really affect your day?
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Anyhow, it's all short -term "glory", can you remember who won what in China? And does it really affect your day?

Couldn't have put it better myself. It was great that 'team GB' did well this summer but its only a few months ago and its forgotten about already. London 2012 is going to cost the country a fortune and i'm not convinced its worth it?
Trouble is, the country is committed to it now, with all the work underway. Pulling the plug would probably make things worse, not that I know, I don't move in such circles. But I thought it was a waste of money from the outset: reflected glory and a supposed legacy for a chosen few, with the remainder of us proles funding it. But oim not bitter... :LOL:
I can remember the 13 year old girl , who suffers from Dwarfism, winning a couple of golds. the joy on her face made an old man cry!. I remember the northern tattooed lad who was striving to win a gold in the wheelchair races.

I also remember the Americans and the Australians faces green in envy at the hugely successful cycling team.

I tend to agree with you on the subject of professionalism though. It's becoming a joke in some of the team sports - Tennis, Football, baseball, Basketball. I am surprised that the Americans haven't managed to bribe the IOC members into introducing the NFL!
Presumably that was the Paralympics, though, not the mainstream one?

Granted, that's different and seems to me to be more or less an afterthought, on the lines of "well, I suppose we should really run it, for the poor people", otherwise it would get as much, if not more, coverage and prominence.

If it was just Paralympics, you can guarantee vast sums would not be thrown at it.
Why is the government funding the sports we're successfull at and leaving the ones that have done badly to seek other funding?

Surely it should be the other way around- funding from business would be far more forthcoming if they're to be associated with the gold-medal likelyhood of cycling/rowing etc?
I remember a leader some time back who wanted his countrymen and women to be athletic and strong, so much so he made it his task to sort the strong from the weak, is this what our leaders are hoping to achieve? It would save a lot of money having to support the weak and ill. :eek:
From the book "I wish I never said that"

"Peace in our time" - Neville Chamberlain

"A bomb? Made from atoms? Don't be silly" - Mayor of Hiroshima

I know. Lets bid for the Olympics in 2012" - Seb Coe
In a country where fortune and fame is reserved mainly for cricketers, Olympic hopefuls have blamed the absence of world-class training facilities and monetary benefits for their poor performance.
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