Pro-Palestine Protests

This article @Al Jazeera contains references to racialised language that some readers may find distressing.

I'm surprised the Tory press haven't used this as a front page blurb to incite their loyal following over their breakfast kippers n' a Metropolitan Police spokesperson confirmed the charge and said Hussain had been informed by post. Hussain said she has not received any written correspondence.

“Being a woman of colour and a Muslim coupled with my deep criticism of our government aiding and abetting a genocide against the Palestinian people, these factors combined have made me the perfect scapegoat for far-right ideologies.” She says. “I was under the belief, and still am, that I have full ownership of that word, as each culture has their own language used to hold to account people of ethnic origins who use their positions of power to push white supremacy ideals, narratives and policies.”

Until the recent fallout, many seemed unaware that the use of “coconut” is considered a hate crime. Not all public uses of the word have led to prosecution. “There is an entire history of terms such as ‘coconut’ used as a means of politically critiquing those who internalise the narratives of white supremacy in undermining communities they traditionally hail from,” said Asim Qureshi, research director at CAGE, a UK-based campaign group. “South African satirist Lesego Tlhabi created the character of Coconut Kelz as a white woman trapped inside a Black woman’s body specifically to critique a specific institutionalised racism that has become normalised.”

If that's going to be her defence; good luck in court.
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Considering the charges laid out by the ICC it'd be in Israel's interests to produce any evidence they had, yes?
I don't think there is any chance of Netanyahu ever appearing in any court, except maybe in Israel.
The Americans won't let it happen because it could set a precedent, if someone like Netanyahu can be prosecuted, why not Blair, Bush, Clinton and all the rest.
The Western elites are a club who cover each others backs.

If Trump gets elected again, it will be the ICC who could end in the Dock.
Trump is on record saying that his administration doesn't recognise the ICC and has threatened to use force against the court and its officials if they ever try to have an American citizen prosecuted.

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I've not heard anything about unwra staff being involved in the planning, but it seems beyond reasonable doubt a number were involved in the attack.

Since Israel didn't provide that evidence it appears Blinken was merely taking them at their word.

QUESTION: Okay. One more question on UNRWA. The final report shows that Israel has failed in submitting any evidence on the participation of UNRWA staff in the attack on October 7th, and it seems that the secretary-general has accepted the finding by Ms. Catherine Colonna around the report. If – will that be acceptable to you, that the secretary-general has accepted that, and would you have any further comment on this?

MR MILLER: So a few things. Number one, we have just received the report and are reviewing itself, and so I don’t want to make any assessments until we’ve been able to complete that review of the report which we just received this morning.
At the time Blinken made that statement UNRWA had been given an oral briefing by Israel but no written evidence.

The claims were substantial enough that the 12 people were fired, although since then I believe three have been cleared so far.

Blinken was told by UNRWA before his briefing that accusations had been made and people fired, then he froze funding. He hadn't heard anything from Israel directly. But UNRWA didn't have anything more substantial than the single verbal report.

It stinks of FUD and an honest agency trying to do the right thing being played by a country more interested in it's ethnic cleansing program than honesty.
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Just watching sky where 2 spokespeople for Israel have been talking, one of them Ron Dermer.

They really are f****g disgusting liars

Apparently there is no famine in Gaza…..despite every aid agency saying otherwise.
Apparently there is no famine in Gaza…..despite every aid agency saying otherwise.

And some Gazans are saying it, see my earlier post. There is however a huge potential for a famine if
a. more aid doesn't get through
b. Hamas don't stop stealing the aid
And some Gazans are saying it, see my earlier post. There is however a huge potential for a famine if
a. more aid doesn't get through
b. Hamas don't stop stealing the aid
There isn't any evidence that Hamas is stealing the aid is there?

There's loads of people stopping the convoys that go through early, but that's to be expected when there isn't enough of them.
There's no aid to speak of getting into Rafah now anyways. What's happening to all the Hershey bars supposed to be coming in through the American pier? Over 500 tonnes of aid has landed yet nothing has been distributed.
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And some Gazans are saying it, see my earlier post. There is however a huge potential for a famine if
a. more aid doesn't get through
b. Hamas don't stop stealing the aid
Oh look Fillyboy supports Israel state propaganda

Every aid agency says there is famine “Filly says: nothing to see here”
Governments of 27 members of the Media Freedom Coalition have published a statement criticising the shutdown of Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel. The members of the coalition, which is a partnership that advocates for media freedom, said: “A free and diverse media landscape is crucial for democracies to function, especially in times of conflict, as people rely on independent information from multiple, reliable sources to stay informed and make their decisions. “It is essential that all journalists be given unhindered access to cover events and developments as they unfold, so that they have the possibility to report and inform transparently and factually.”

It was signed by Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.


Pro-Palestine protests outside US consulate in Jerusalem​

Oh look Fillyboy supports Israel state propaganda

Every aid agency says there is famine “Filly says: nothing to see here”
We aren’t all antisemitic Corbyn lovers are we.

Some people think both sides are disgraceful.

It’s not all black and white Notch
Governments of 27 members of the Media Freedom Coalition have published a statement criticising the shutdown of Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel.

I suppose they should consider themselves lucky not to have been assassinated by the Israeli army, like the journalists in Gaza.
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