Psycho nation...

The problem is the guns are out there and in such numbers that a gun ban would be ineffective and political suicide. Tightening up the process of buying a gun would help, but IIRC the loony who shot up the batman film screening had obtained all his guns & ammo perfectly legally.

What they need to do is the same thing that this country's government does when they want to discourage something.

Tax it.

Treat guns like cars and ammunition like fuel, and tax them. Every gun has to be registered and an annual tax paid on it. Perhaps with a sliding scale depending on calibre/ammo capacity so grandma's .38 revolver she keeps in her bedside cabinet in case of burglars costs less than Mr Macho's .50 Desert Eagle and his tricked-out AR15 with 30 round mags costs more per year than a 4-shot pump action 12-gauge that someone might have for home defence or hunting rats on the farm.

Ammunition gets taxed per round, again, bigger and more powerful rounds cost more to buy.

And the government can tell them that the taxes raised go towards free healthcare - just like the taxes we pay to buy/own/fuel a car go towards our roads ;)
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edit... Ive just literally posted lmb word for word. Should read everything thats been written before posting. :oops:

But yes lmb, had the teachers got guns, we'd be looking at a lesser death toll.
I have not read this post as i expect knee jerk.

America will not change it's policy,this will happen again, as history will prove.
Could you even imagine trying to collect the legal arms, never mind the illegal stuff.
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The problem is the guns are out there and in such numbers that a gun ban would be ineffective and political suicide. Tightening up the process of buying a gun would help, but IIRC the loony who shot up the batman film screening had obtained all his guns & ammo perfectly legally.

What they need to do is the same thing that this country's government does when they want to discourage something.

Tax it.

Treat guns like cars and ammunition like fuel, and tax them. Every gun has to be registered and an annual tax paid on it. Perhaps with a sliding scale depending on calibre/ammo capacity so grandma's .38 revolver she keeps in her bedside cabinet in case of burglars costs less than Mr Macho's .50 Desert Eagle and his tricked-out AR15 with 30 round mags costs more per year than a 4-shot pump action 12-gauge that someone might have for home defence or hunting rats on the farm.

Ammunition gets taxed per round, again, bigger and more powerful rounds cost more to buy.

And the government can tell them that the taxes raised go towards free healthcare - just like the taxes we pay to buy/own/fuel a car go towards our roads ;)

Thousands would decide they don't want to pay the tax and just obtain illegal weapons.
I understand teachers are not allowed to carry guns in schools, but in other situations like this, I'm very surprised that more people don't carry a gun.

IE, When the gunman pulls out a weapon and starts mowing folk down, they don't pull out guns and shoot back.
Now that I have stopped rolling about laughing at your clever humour, I shall explain why you are being ignorant.
Laugh all you you like A*r*S*e...

It still doesn't make up for the fact that you talk sh*t...;)
A 'shoulder holster' wearing teacher could have saved many lives.
You know I'm right.


When you have a 'gun toting mother' all that more guns would do is provide more opportunities to kill!

Nancy Lanza, 52, was “a big, big gun fan” who went target shooting with her children, according to friends.

"She said she would often go target shooting with her kids," Dan Holmes, owner of the landscaping firm Holmes Fine Gardens, told Reuters.

He recalled that she once showed him a 'high-end rifle' that she had purchased.

'She was very proud of it,' he told the New York Daily News. 'She loved her guns.”

Lanza, 20, killed his mother at the home they shared, shooting her in the face with her own gun, before driving three miles to the school in Newtown, Connecticut.

And have you ever wondered why a school like that needed a (now dead) dedicated psychologist?...Only in America!
Now that I have stopped rolling about laughing at your clever humour, I shall explain why you are being ignorant.
Laugh all you you like A*r*S*e...

It still doesn't make up for the fact that you talk sh*t...;)

Except you couldn't refute my points could you, funny how several other people in this thread see sense as well.

And C'mon ellal, if you are going to respond to me with a joke reply, at least come up with some new material, your like that kid in school that came up with 1 funny joke, then keeps repeating it cus your too thick to come up with anything else.
And C'mon ellal, if you are going to respond to me with a joke reply, at least come up with some new material, your like that kid in school that came up with 1 funny joke, then keeps repeating it cus your too thick to come up with anything else.
Maybe you should stop repeating your Trolling behaviour then...;)

And it doesn't matter what anyone posts, you always know best don't you!

Trouble is you're not that bright are you - you would argue black was white if you saw it quoted on google.... :LOL:

You're just a sad old condescending pr*ck...and that's on a good day!
Ellal, if you are going to troll, at least do so with some style and humour.

C'mon give it a proper go, give us some real entertainment, your boooooooriiing me.
Ellal, if you are going to troll, at least do so with some style and humour.

C'mon give it a proper go, give us some real entertainment, your boooooooriiing me.

No point 'soft in the head'...

As I say, people have been p*ssing themselves laughing at you for ages... :LOL:

Merry Christmas and a (hopefully for you) non-psychotic New Year...
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