Quackers council

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
See the old Doctor's benevolent society being chastised, big talk about protecting patients, whilst putting their member's interests first.
No problem with paying good Doctors top dollar, but they aint all good .. far from it !!
A fair bet is, the more the job pays, the more demanding the customers will quite rightly become ... And much to the old quack's chagrin he WILL be managed by "he who pays the piper and ultimately calls the tune" !!
Medicos and Lawyers ... self govern in the interests of ..... guess ??? Self ?
While everyone has been spitting vitriol at unions, they/we have quite happily been fleeced by a bunch of masqerading, Charlottans, Hiding behind supposed ethics and spin .... in their own immensly powerful unions by another name ... every test of their integrety finishes the same way .. and so it all continues !!
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The thing is, when they prescribe something for you, and it doesn't work, why can we not get our money back?
I used to wonder how people got away with masquerading as docs... bit closer to it these days ... now I wonder why more aren't doing so !!
Respect in the professions must be earned, not given for free with the diplomas and certificates ... There's a fair few out there who would be overpaid with co-op checks .... Like the gnasher mechanics, failed docs, so they must be cr ap ... scaling and polishing their way to the bank.
Someone needs to take control and throw a few f##ks into the lot of 'em let 'em emigrate, they will not find it so easy competing in private practice elsewhere, with litigation hovering on the shoulder and no NHS to bail 'em out with lashings of dosh !!
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I agree with you Pip there are too many dentists that have brought their profession into disrepute by money grabbing instead of utilising patient care.
Whereas in the whole doctors especially the GP's have given a good degree of patient care.

if any sector needs regulating it is the dentistry lot, i know from experience that they ruined my teeth from an early age with their inept and unnecessary work.

an example was a chinese dentist in shepherds bush london (long gone thank goodness) who after fitting a frontal cap let me go home whereupon i found i couldn't eat as i couldn't close my jaws enough to chew properly so i went back and explained he assured me he would solve the problem and did so by grinding my other teeth to fit (instead of grinding or refitting the problem tooth!), although this seemed to work i could now chew it made me chew in a different way, my lower jaw moving slightly back in the chewing action this coupled with the now weakened ground teeth, over the years caused the other teeth to wear away and now i'm left with much smaller weak teeth that break and chip easily and cost a fortune to keep having to be filled so much so that i have given up now and have several chipped broken teeth and the irony is that the original capped front tooth that caused all the problems is itself now broken in half and thats the third porcelain tooth in my mouth that has shattered or broken possibly by the force of my now adopted unusual chewing action? the cap has a stainless steel backing so god knows how it shattered but there you go! thanks Mr Dentist!
Believe me mate, there is good and bad like any other trade, but who protects the Plumber if he isn't very good ? he does not earn top dollar does he ....... But this other mob do.
Toothless Labour again, have a go at GMC, then leave it all to sort itself out ... same with law society ..... Give people the opportunity to scam and the majority will !!

Why is it that when you have an appointment with an NHS dentist it still costs loads of money?
He is the modern day miner - drilling for gold ! £120 K a year, several yrs ago !!! It is a wonder there are any left working ... most in Monaco sunning themselves I am sure !! And if not, then they should be !!
P :cry:
planenut said:
The thing is, when they prescribe something for you, and it doesn't work, why can we not get our money back?

Same with advertising...........
securespark said:
planenut said:
..... they prescribe something for you, and it doesn't work, why can we not get our money back?

Same with advertising...........

Not much use when you are lookin' at the lid .....
planenut said:
The thing is, when they prescribe something for you, and it doesn't work, why can we not get our money back?
Sadly because you are the doctor guinea pig being used in medical experiment, they make big profit & bonuses by trying out new drugs for the drugs company and this is why a high percentage of patients often ended up in hospital. So many doctor appointments are also unneccessary.
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