Remote desk top Windows 10 and Vista

27 Jan 2008
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Llanfair Caereinion, Nr Welshpool
United Kingdom
I am trying to access my Windows 10 desk top sited under my TV with my Vista lap top using the same router the latter wireless and windows 10 PC is hard wired to router.

I have got as far as getting the Windows 10 log on screen on the Vista PC but just can't log on. I got a computer generated password from the Windows 10 machine with one uncertain not sure if a 1 or an I but neither seems to work.

From what I can understand with Windows 10 it can be set not to require a password direct and only require it with remote desk top.

So I think all I need is to find correct log on name and password and it will work. Gave me a password but not a clue on log on name or where to find or change it.

Can anyone help. When wife is home she uses the TV I use as monitor for windows 10 PC so want to be able to use it from lap top.
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Sorry I don't have an answer, but I have noticed that Windows 10 has some very strange anomalies when it comes to accessing networked computers and drives. I have had issues where NAS drives appear in Win explorer, but do not appear when trying to access the same NAS within a program.

Can you remove the Win 10 password completely, just to see if you can access it.
What are you using for remote access?
I don't use Windows RDP as the server only ships with Enterprise, so I either use VNC or if I am lazy, the free version of TeamViewer (though it will be slower as it runs across the Internet). I use X2Go to gain access to my Linux box which works pretty smoothly, not sure if there is a windows server version though.
I am told pre-windows 10 that you had to have a password on the computer to get it to work with remote desk top, but windows 10 allows password for remote without password when accessing direct. I did use a free program but since XP it's no longer free and is not in theory needed. But I just can't get it to work.
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I am trying to use windows remote desk top. It finds the windows 10 PC OK but always reports wrong sign in name or password. I am sure password is OK go it from the windows 10 PC and cut and paste so can't really be an error. So I assume I am using wrong sign in name. I am sure there is a way when the windows 10 PC is accessed direct of finding the correct log in name but just can't find it.
You will need to verify the security impact. However the below is a possible answer.Remember you are responsable for any changes and their impact

This is probably due to the new LogonUI. Verify on the Event Manager if its failing. If that's your issue then try this in REGEDIT:


change Threshold from 1 to 0

This should revert back to the old login screen.
er, not sure what the above is, however id find it unlikely that windows 10 would show you the password or allow you to copy and paste it, passwords in windows are never shown for user accounts, the password you have seen is more likely the homegroup password or some other password, but it wont be the password to the account.

first question is, did you link your windows 10 computer with a Microsoft account when you first set it up, because if you did the username and password will be the same as your micorosoft account (read hotmail or

if you didnt and its a local account

click start on your windows 10 box under your tv assuming you have a mouse and keyboard in it at the moment.

dont click anywhere, just click start (well its just the windows logo now but i assume you know what i mean) and type

user accounts

and then select user accounts when it appears in the list

next look for manage user accounts

you should be presented with a list of user accounts you may see your name or admin or anything, their may be one user their may be ten.

what you can see in the list will be your username, click on it, and click reset password, then give it a password if you can.

now if you have got to the windows 10 login screen via remote desktop it sounds like you have successfully turned it on already so i wont talk you through that

(this is from memory because my windows 10 machine is joined to a domain so the user accounts area is slightly different than yours will be)

if that doesnt work post back and ill get you to make some further changes also, its easier for me to diagnose when i can see it, so if you cant find what im asking for or you cant find the right options, take some photos of the screens and post them here might help me point you in the right direction