Removing old cable tv wire

16 May 2014
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United Kingdom
I have an old cable tv wire which is buried in the front of the house, comes up and through the vents on the wall under the floor boards. Looks a bit unsightly and is just sitting under the floor doing nothing. Can I cut this and leave the end buried under the mud?
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Yeh Ive been under my floor and it was connected to a t-piece on the “tv” side. Ive removed everything else just want to make sure this can be cut and buried away. Its like a sky type f socket on the end
If I'm understanding your description correctly, this could be a connection for cable TV/internet (currently Virgin Media, but previously known as Nynex or NTL). Their cabling comes from the road as a buried cable. If that's the case, then the cable isn't yours to mess with. That's why @Harry Bloomfield wrote "if you are certain that is what it is.."

You describe the cable as being under the floorboards, so that bit isn't bothering you, surely? I take it then that it's on the outside of the property where it comes up from the ground and goes in via the air brick?

The most I would do in this situation is - if possible - pull it back through the air brick, bag-up and seal the end, then bury it where it rises from the ground. The position would need to be noted in some way so that if you or new owners ever wanted VM in the future then the installer could retrieve the cable with the minimum of fuss. That might not be practical though if it involves disturbing paviors, patterned concrete or a Tarmac finished surface. In that case, leave it alone or hide it with a strategically-positioned pot or trough.

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Yeh just the fact that on the outside theres a plastic tube coming from the ground then the cable going in the air brick. Putting it in a bag a burying its a good idea though. Cheers

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