restaurants continue to steal waiters' tips

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"UK ministers are shelving plans to ensure that workers keep their tips, despite having first promised to do six years ago, in a move that has angered trade unions.

Paul Scully, the business minister, announced in September that the government would take action to make it illegal for employers to withhold tips from workers. The plan was designed to prevent restaurants from the increasingly common practice of taking a share of tips rather than passing them on to staff.

The idea had been on the back burner since it was first put forward by Sajid Javid when he was business secretary in 2016. But government insiders say that the idea has been dropped from the Queen’s Speech on May 10."

"Some restaurant chains treat their employees fairly and split the tips given to waiting staff in order to share them with supervisors and kitchen staff. But unions say that increasing numbers of businesses add a discretionary service charge on to customers’ bills and keeping all or part of the service charges, without passing them on to staff.

Scully announced in September that his plan would help about 2m UK workers retain their tips: “Customers will know tips are going to the worker for a fair day’s work,” he said.

At the time the government said it was taking action because the shift towards a cashless society — with 80 per cent of tipping now taking place on cards — had led to more “dodgy tipping practices”
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We always pay for the meal by card but give the waiter/waitress a cash tip after ensuring that they do not have to hand it over to a pool or boss.
I pay the person who gives me good service, not to go in a pool/pot where other staff who don't really care get a share of it. If the meal has been specially prepared, i.e. something not on a standard menu where it can be made then re-heated, we ask for the chef/cook and when they come out we thank them and give them their tip.
Tip because you feel guilty someone brought you food? That's what I heard.
Don't tip doctor or barman. Don't tip McDonald's or supermarket workers.
It's an odd thing
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We tip to show gratitude to someone who has treated us well and with respect. Guilt doesn't enter in to it.
If a supermarket worker gives us good service or is helpful we make sure their supervisor is mad aware of it.
Don't go to pubs, Macdonalds or the doctors.
On the rare occasion I visit a barber I will leave a tip if I am pleased with my haircut, but as my wife is so good at cutting it, I usually make her a coffee.
Do you think it's fair only to tip the staff you bring you the food?

The kitchen workers are not deserving of a tip too?

After all, they prepared and cooked the food. The waiting staff just carried it to your table.
Do you think it's fair only to tip the staff you bring you the food?

The kitchen workers are not deserving of a tip too?

After all, they prepared and cooked the food. The waiting staff just carried it to your table.
Also took your order & ensured your dietary needs were passed on, and cleared your table, and brought drinks as required, and in some upmarket places provide entertainment and banter
OK, but that still doesn't mean the kitchen staff should get nothing.
“Customers will know tips are going to the worker for a fair day’s work,”

No tip from me for a fair day's work. For that you get "wages", if you want a tip you have to do more than that!
Tipping across the Atlantic (Canada) is compulsory or woe betide. You even have the option to tip (on the card machine) when buying a a sandwich in a convenience store. Bonkers. The machine presents you with various increasing % tip options.
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Tipping across the Atlantic is compulsory or woe betide. You even have the option to tip (on the card machine) when buying a a sandwich in a convenience store. Bonkers.

America has garbage employment laws, people rely on tips there.
America has garbage employment laws, people rely on tips there.
Scantily dressed girls run around ragged looking after tables in bars. One of the lads settled the bill one evening and just didn't bother tipping. We didn't get waited on again because of that plonker.
So.. which Restaurants actually keep the tips? Can anyone name one? or was the policy shelved because those operating the policy are so few, it wasn't worth the bother.

A lot of myths about US Employment law - its not that dissimilar to UK employment law. They have the concept of "at will employment" which works both ways and redundancy pay doesn't exist. So most contracts include such clauses and scales. At the end of the day, you don't want your employees to walk without notice, confidentiality restrictions or retain their IP.
US Employment law - its not that dissimilar to UK employment law. They have the concept of "at will employment

you are rather contradicting yourself there.

at will employment is nothing like UK employment laws.
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