Some good points there. You can't blame people for trying to beat you down though, it's often worth a try and just because you won't budge it doesn't mean everyone won't. When people ask me that I say well yes I could knock a few quid off if I use cheaper or lower spec. materials, or if I get one of my lads to do the bits I would usually do myself, and of course there would be no guarantee in either case etc etc. They soon get the message that by cutting down the price they are cutting down on the quality and they invariably agree to the first quote.
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petewood said:
Some good points there. You can't blame people for trying to beat you down though, it's often worth a try and just because you won't budge it doesn't mean everyone won't. When people ask me that I say well yes I could knock a few quid off if I use cheaper or lower spec. materials, or if I get one of my lads to do the bits I would usually do myself, and of course there would be no guarantee in either case etc etc. They soon get the message that by cutting down the price they are cutting down on the quality and they invariably agree to the first quote.

Thats a good point actually....I have used that one before...what they actually want you to do is lower your wages...I always used to put non negotiable on quotes too.

I dont do it to I dont expect it back

Needless to crap at a boot sale!!!
Zampa said:
What they also fail to mention is the numbers of people out their who have work done...and dont pay for it, For every ten rogue traders theres probably one rogue customer...or people that try and knock you down after you have done the job.
Hear hear!
That's what we always try to get accross to people who 'complain' about the trade, or why we ask for part-payment upfront. But they never seem to have heard of any stories like that and think we're making things up :(
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Its funny how different customers act though IMO some pakistinis are the hardest to deal with...they want to pay everything in cash, which dispite popular myth, can be a right pain for self employed people...and they always haggle at the end..espeically over extras THEY have asked to be done..

Indians, totally different...they pay well but like to see what they are getting, they have a far more formal business like approach.

Turks and Greeks are ok..they like a 'deal' of some sorts..but as long as the cards are on the table are decent enough payers.

But for me the jobs I used to hate most were pubs....or rather say 3/4 maybe more, of the jobs I priced I never got...because they just wanted a guide price...then the regulars behind the bar would do it instead...normally all night for a couple of pints...the rest...I found them really hard work moaners, tight, miserable as hell and very deliberatly the end I stopped doing pub work..even pricing it.