salt of the earth

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
i see experts tell us all salt is bad for us now, :confused: wonder y Romans went to so much trouble to dig it up, :confused: watch the mountin goats on tv last nite risk there lives to lick the stuff from the cliff side as it was so good for there wellbeing :confused: why is good for then and bad for us as loads of people eat goat :LOL: i love my daily dose of the stuff :)
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It's estimated that around 20,000 people die every year from too much salt.

Excluding tobacco, I can't think of any cause that kills that many people each year. Beast cancer? Prostate cancer? Road deaths? None of them come close.
i see experts tell us all salt is bad for us now,
No they don't

why is good for then and bad for us as

You NEED a certain (very small) amount of it. if you have none you will die.

If you have TOO MUCH it is not good for you.

the same is true for lots of things.

Manufacturers of cheap foods tend to add excessive amounts of it to disguise lack of flavour.

Breakfast cereals, tomato ketchup, ratburgers etc
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OK, salt isn't dangerous and neither are cigarettes :rolleyes:
cars ,heart attacts, tumors , ;) they kill plenty joe why do you say 20,000 through salt. is this hi-blood pressure numbers :confused:
cars ,heart attacts, tumors , ;) they kill plenty joe why do you say 20,000 through salt. is this hi-blood pressure numbers :confused:
Less salt

* The typical British man consumes almost twice as much salt as is recommended. On average 75% of salt eaten comes from processed foods. A diet high in salt can increase the risk of stomach cancer and of hypertension (high blood pressure) – a key risk factor in coronary heart disease.
* We can all reduce our chances of life-threatening conditions by cutting back on the amount of salt we eat and finding and choosing foods lower in salt.
* If the average amount of salt consumed fell from 9g a day to 6g it is estimated that 20,000 premature deaths each year would be prevented.
Salt is also thought by the medics to be a main cause of diabetes, of which the UK has a huge number of sufferers and it is increasing. :cry:
Dieticians make money out of telling us whtas good and whats bad, many live to ripe old ages without worrying about what they eat, its when excessive thats when its a problem, they treat us as though we are well oiled machinery that has to be maintained to high standards.

Just enjoy life i say and eat drink and be merry in moderation.
ride on tim, a little of what u fancy does u good :LOL: my old gran =daddy used to say and he made 94 even the gerry could not stop him:cool:
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