Scottish independence

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Should they be given the vote? I say yes and then whatever the result, stfu, accept it and just get on with it. What do you say?
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The UK government needs to establish a 'UK Minister' role, whose sole job is to explain the advantages of retaining the union rather than just let the media battle it out.
Should they be given the vote? I say yes and then whatever the result, stfu, accept it and just get on with it. What do you say?
I say we had a vote in 2014, the seps lost. They should stfu and get on with it.
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It'll be interesting to see how Brexit has affected the vote this time. If more Scots want to be a part of the EU than the UK and any majority for Independence will give the SNP a mandate to demand an officially sanctioned referendum by Westminster.
It's no point sending any Tory north of the border now: grouse season is almost nigh and the hunting season is afoot. Tories have become an endangered species up there.
It'll be interesting to see how Brexit has affected the vote this time. If more Scots want to be a part of the EU than the UK and any majority for Independence will give the SNP a mandate to demand an officially sanctioned referendum by Westminster.
It's no point sending any Tory north of the border now: grouse season is almost nigh and the hunting season is afoot. Tories have become an endangered species up there.
Scotland can never join The E.U. We don’t and never will meet the entry requirements. Nor were we pulled out against our will, because we were never a member. Britain was a member, the vote to leave was a British vote.
The Tories were never big up here, it’s labour who have dropped the ball.
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It'll be interesting to see how Brexit has affected the vote this time. If more Scots want to be a part of the EU than the UK and any majority for Independence will give the SNP a mandate to demand an officially sanctioned referendum by Westminster.
It's no point sending any Tory north of the border now: grouse season is almost nigh and the hunting season is afoot. Tories have become an endangered species up there.

A lot of the people I know who voted to leave the UK, also voted to leave the EU
Likewise, people who want to be in the EU, also want to be in UK.

The SNP line of "Scotland didn't vote for Brexit" isn't really true - some areas of scotland voted majority for Brexit! A lot of areas, I think the vote was really close. The divide was more rural vs urban, the big cities voted to stay in the EU.

If you live in the Highlands and Islands, the choice is more do you want to be ruled by a detached bunch of tossers in Edinburgh, or a detached bunch of tossers in London?
And that's without bringing Brussels into the mix.
If Scottish friends do get to vote ( even of the High Court sanctions it as legal) can we insist that little miss cranky picks up the bill rather than the English taxpayer.? Remember its a given that SNP were not elected or given a mandate even if they pretend they have or will be.
SNP were not elected or given a mandate

they were elected with the most seats

if all the other elected representatives vote against it, it will not pass

but if the majority vote for it... that's democracy for you.

We have the same problem with Johnson and his third-rate acolytes.
The UK government needs to establish a 'UK Minister' role, whose sole job is to explain the advantages of retaining the union rather than just let the media battle it out.

david cameron, for example.
Scotland should get there independance they would be better off

England would be better off with out Scotland

So it’s a win win situation for all concerned imo

We should have a vote in England about Scottish independance

I would vote to give them independance and vote em out of the union
the ruling power gets to decide when the citizens can, and can't vote.

Johnson again.
say people who don't want it to happen.
I would rather still be in the E.U. but I have to respect the resu of the democratic vote that we had on the matter.
We do not meet the requirements so we can’t join, simples.
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