New Forum Help Selecting/Deselecting signature?

26 Jun 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I used to be able to select, or not, my pre-set signature at the point of posting.

With the new forum I don't seem to get that choice and can only do it within my profile settings which would be a very tedious way to turn it on or off for each post!

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In this setup you either have a signature that's intended to be shown everywhere or you don't. The ability to choose whether it is shown after your posts is now up to the viewer, who was the option to turn all signatures off or on in their preferences.
Signatures don't show on iPhone anyway regardless of setting
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Yes, there were four tick boxes at the bottom to be left as the default or changed for just that post.

One of them was relating to show or not the signature.

In my case I would usually have one relating to heating to be seen ( or not ) when I posted on heating forums.

But a heating signature is not appropriate if I am posting in gardening or decorating areas.
Also just noticed that the "thanks" button has been turned into a "like" button!
Yes, there were four tick boxes at the bottom to be left as the default or changed for just that post.

I will only have seen those boxes over 50,000 times, so....

But a heating signature is not appropriate if I am posting in gardening or decorating areas.
Or a gardening/decorating one vice-versa.

They are real time, so it's not even as if you could automate changing yours - I guess you have the choice between:

1) Never showing a signature
2) Always showing a topic-free bit of whimsy
3) Adopting the JohnW2 approach of pasting in a signature as part of each post and hoping it doesn't drive you round the bend.
3) Adopting the JohnW2 approach of pasting in a signature as part of each post and hoping it doesn't drive you round the bend.
Not pasting, typing - as you can tell from the typos which sometime creep in! FWIW, there is a reason. I did initially trying using it 'as a "signature". However, the autopilot within me is so used to typing "Kind Regards, John" at the end of virtually everything I write, countless times every day, that I found myself typing it anyway in these forums, hence duplicating the signature (and then having to delete it in an edit, which did start 'driving me around the bend').

Kind Regards, John
Does that mean that the "like" button is not actually liked by anyone then?

In that case why can it not be renamed as "thanks" again?

Change for the sake of change often has no benefit !
In that case why can it not be renamed as "thanks" again?

Probably not. I assume this new site was either borrowed or bought from a load of septics hence the use of # for numbering, the use of PM and AM instead of 24 hour and the fecking 'LIKE' instead of 'THANKS'

Soon to be followed by the use of 'color' 'theater' and 'dove' no doubt....

I don't recall when am/pm became 'un-British' and American?! The forums default time display has been am/pm since its inception.
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