Send down those who take the law into their own hands!

2 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
I saw this story in a few of the papers today. If it wasn't so ridiculously annoying it would be funny!

Father jailed for taking on drug dealer.

A father was jailed for storming into a drug dealer's home and flushing his heroin stash down the toilet.

By Sarah Knapton
Last Updated: 1:33AM GMT 17 Feb 2009


Peter Drummond being led from court.

Peter Drummond, 26, took matters into his own hands when he barged into the home of John Nellies and berated him for dealing to his brother who was hooked on the drug. He then snatched five bags of heroin and flushed them away. But he was reported by one of Nellies' customers and jailed for two months after admitting breaching the peace.

Outside court, family friend Thomas Brown said: "Jailing him for what he did is ridiculous. It is a ludicrous decision and even the lawyer was shaking his head. "Heroin is killing the community and I know for a fact that it has been tearing Peter's family apart. He shouldn't have done what he did, but at the same time he was only trying to help his sister. "Instead of sending him to jail he should be getting an award for trying to do his best to clean out the drug dealers. I think what happened today is outrageous."

Father-of-three Drummond, of Blairgowrie, Perthshire, said his family had been blighted by heroin. He burst into the dealer's house on Sunday. "Over the last six or seven months my whole family has been in hell," Drummond said. "My brother-in-law is on smack and he is getting it from the people there. "It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I shouldn't have done it but these people are ruining my family by supplying heroin."

But Sheriff Robert McCreadie, sitting at Perth Sheriff Court, ignored pleas for mercy. "If you were concerned about matters you should contact the police, not enter a house and threaten to kill someone," he said, "You can't take matters into your own hands the way you did."[/QUOTE]
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Sheriff Robert McCreadie or a family member may well have been the customer that reported him.
But Sheriff Robert McCreadie, sitting at Perth Sheriff Court, ignored pleas for mercy. "If you were concerned about matters you should contact the police, not enter a house and threaten to kill someone," he said, "You can't take matters into your own hands the way you did."
Absolutely right ... You call the dibble, they break the door down, kick the f*** out of everyone and have it away on their toes with the drugs.

The Sheriff's just pist that he's missed out on his cut of the swag :LOL:

There must be more to it than that, the newspapers tend to forget things, like the Sherrif quoted he threatened to kill.
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There must be more to it than that, the newspapers tend to forget things, like the Sherrif quoted he threatened to kill.
WHAT!! :eek: He actually 'threatened to kill' the Drug Dealer you say! Oh well then, send him down! :rolleyes:
He was let off lightly to be honest. Threatening to kill can carry a heavier sentence. I suspect the judge lessened the sentence due to trying to do some good but again against the law. The judges hands are tied as they are so bound by miles of red tape. The tabloids love this sort of thing.
His brother would only find someone else to get it from if they were moved/jailed/out of stash.
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