Settle an Argument Please

7 Jan 2014
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West Glamorgan
United Kingdom
My OH has taken to switching the sockets off which supply the kettle and toaster. Is she saving money? Ta.

There are no neon lights on the sockets or appliances when not in use.
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and there is no safety gain unless they are most cases
My point. Surprising, since she is never wrong!:D
I find its best to live with stuff being turned off every night -ive managed to negotiate leaving the kettle on -too many times Ive being waiting for a switched off kettle to boil
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My kettle glows blue when heating, bit daft as when you want the light is when filling to see level, I find it hard to tell if empty or over full, half full can see water line.

I have only switched off at wall or unplugged when I have problems with RCBO's tripping. Which is very rare, old RCD yes, but RCBO only trip when there is a real problem.

Some items do have a stand by setting, with timers to turn on at selected time, or even a built in clock, I find however I notice a lamp lit, but not so much lack of a light, be it green light on freezer, or blue display on fridge, only if light does not light when I open the door do alarm bells ring in my head.

But walk into a kitchen with no microwave or oven clocks and you do tend to question why, so rare to have power cut not some thing I look for, but the microwave clock, oven clock, fridge and freezer warning lights, or the thermostat lighting up as I pass it, uses that little energy not worth worrying about.

Biggest stand-by energy user is likely the Sky Q box, or the internet router. I am sure my smart bulbs, and zigbee hub etc all use power, but if I switch them off little point in having them, returning to dial up internet is not what I want.

You can get wifi kettles upload_2022-5-3_9-40-33.png but if you do rather pointless if you turn off at the socket.
I can't get the wifi to work on my kettle. What am I doing wrong?

I have started turning all sockets not in use off. I don't understand why or how microwaves, toasters etc could use energy while they are not on, but some bloke on the TV said they do, so not taking any chances!
I have started turning all sockets not in use off. I don't understand why or how microwaves, toasters etc could use energy while they are not on, but some bloke on the TV said they do, so not taking any chances!
If they have 'standby' states, or even just clocks, they will use at least some electricity when seemingly 'off'. However, it can be a pain having to reset clocks every day!

Kind Regards, John
It seems these upload_2022-5-3_12-5-57.png gas boilers will work with OpenTherm and Wifi controls, but a bit useless as although called boilers they will not boil the water, these DSC_5415_1.jpg however work fine even when unplugged.

An electronic clock and work for a year on a AA battery, yes the clock on a microwave must use power, but likely ½ W/h per year.

Are you going to remove the batteries from the smoke alarm to save power as well, that is about as silly.
If they have 'standby' states, or even just clocks, they will use at least some electricity when seemingly 'off'. However, it can be a pain having to reset clocks every day!

Kind Regards, John

My microwave just has 2 dials, with for power, and one for the time. Probably doesn't use juice when off then!
My microwave just has 2 dials, with for power, and one for the time. Probably doesn't use juice when off then!
Probably, although I wouldn't put money on it. My microwave is certainly always 'plugged in'.

Kind Regards, John
Is it just me, or is the world going a little mad?
No it is the English language, where new words are invented or old words used for new things. This upload_2022-5-3_12-38-22.png is not what comes to my mind when some one talks about a transformer, but clearly the word includes inductances, switch mode power supplies, and children's toys.

Kettle and Cauldron can be referring to same item, it refers to containing things which could be boiling water, melting ice, or crowd control, also the noise produced by a kettle.

My electric kettle is called cordless, however it would not work without being on the stand, and in real terms I hardly ever move it from the stand, and fill it with a jug. upload_2022-5-3_12-50-51.png There are two ways to save energy when boiling the kettle, one is only boil enough, the other is not to allow the water to cool upload_2022-5-3_12-53-9.png between using the kettle, vacuum insulated kettles make a lot of sense as no waiting for it to boil.

Or of course we could move to cold drinks, the other method to make water safe to drink is to brew it so the alcohol stops it going bad, so I suppose drinking beer is good for the environment as it uses less energy than making tea or coffee at point of use. As to in total have to include transport cost, and processing costs, clearly it takes energy to make instant coffee, or the beer kit, and coffee is rarely made with a kettle,
and these must cost to run as no insulation around the jug and it is kept hot.

So I am off to do my little bit for the planet and I am going to get another beer!

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