Should Boris return?

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And old people.

And gammons
Bit pointless really fact is the current gov has done a number of things that have had detrimental effects on our economy. Other countries have also followed some of them and are suffering as well. But that opinion is based on what some pundits think and no one knows what would have happened if their thoughts had been followed.

Fact is the west has had the banking crisis, covid and now Ukraine. The UK has thrown in Brexit. Maybe a plus is that this leaves more money to pay of debts that we are facing but on the other hand it is likely to have an effect on the interest rates that have to be paid and has reduced GDP. On the other hand interest rates have been increasing in the west anyway but so far more for us than others of a similar status.
No rather missed the point there regarding your assertion and swerving the question from Mottie.
What question was that?
This one perhaps?
I don’t know why people lie to pollsters. Pîssed off at being asked what they consider a personal question maybe?
Mottie wants me to explain his conspiracy theory for him? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
And Mottie still has not provided any evidence to support his assumption.

Or this one?
Same as I don’t know why people sign up to a diy forum solely to make political, anti-Tory posts. Perhaps you can help us out with that one?
No I can't help you out with your constant swerving. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You keep asking the same question time and time again. You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
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Must be really annoying.. all this democracy. Brexit still done, tories still in power.

And a year for who ever takes charge with enough time left in the pot for the other to have a go too.

To be fair Sunak was runner up last time, so it would be fair for him to take his go, I just think BJ has the mineral to beat labour.
I just think BJ has the mineral to beat labour.
do you not think that the country needs a strong ethical leader more than the need to just beat Labour ? Not just a salesman full of catchphrases and nothing else.

winning at any cost to the country is more important than having the "wrong" (for you) party in power ?

very low standards if so, and a heck of a statement about the Tory shambles
Never got why Sunak is this big beast of running the economy. Seems he was groomed to be one of Hagues placemen.
He's only a figurehead for the Treasury, look what happened to Dominic Cummings when he tried to take the civil servants on, the wagons were soon circling.
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Also makes smogg look a complete tosser/loser as usual, so win win!
“In the last few days I have been overwhelmed by the number of people who suggested that I should once again contest the Conservative Party leadership, both among the public and among friends and colleagues in Parliament.

I have been attracted because I led our party into a massive election victory less than three years ago – and I believe I am therefore uniquely placed to avert a general election now.

A general election would be a further disastrous distraction just when the government must focus on the economic pressures faced by families across the country.

I believe I am well placed to deliver a Conservative victory in 2024 – and tonight I can
confirm that I have cleared the very high hurdle of 102 nominations, including a proposer and a seconder, and I could put my nomination in tomorrow.

There is a very good chance that I would be successful in the election with Conservative Party members – and that I could indeed be back in Downing Street on Friday.

But in the course of the last days I have sadly come to the conclusion that this would simply not be the right thing to do. You can’t govern effectively unless you have a united party in parliament. And though I have reached out to both Rishi and Penny – because I hoped that we could come together in the national interest – we have sadly not been able to work out a way of doing this.

Therefore I am afraid the best thing is that I do not allow my nomination to go forward and commit my support to whoever succeeds.

I believe I have much to offer but I am afraid that this is simply not the right time.”0
The corrupt borisconi is simply biding his time, and will stab the next nasty party leader in the back when it all falls apart...

The UK is a laughing stock!
“In the last few days I have been overwhelmed by the number of people who suggested that I should once again contest the Conservative Party leadership, both among the public and among friends and colleagues in Parliament.

I have been attracted because I led our party into a massive election victory less than three years ago – and I believe I am therefore uniquely placed to avert a general election now.

A general election would be a further disastrous distraction just when the government must focus on the economic pressures faced by families across the country.

I believe I am well placed to deliver a Conservative victory in 2024 – and tonight I can
confirm that I have cleared the very high hurdle of 102 nominations, including a proposer and a seconder, and I could put my nomination in tomorrow.

There is a very good chance that I would be successful in the election with Conservative Party members – and that I could indeed be back in Downing Street on Friday.

But in the course of the last days I have sadly come to the conclusion that this would simply not be the right thing to do. You can’t govern effectively unless you have a united party in parliament. And though I have reached out to both Rishi and Penny – because I hoped that we could come together in the national interest – we have sadly not been able to work out a way of doing this.

Therefore I am afraid the best thing is that I do not allow my nomination to go forward and commit my support to whoever succeeds.

I believe I have much to offer but I am afraid that this is simply not the right time.”0
Johnson never got 100, it’s bulls hit
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