Smoke Alarm Wiring

7 Dec 2012
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United Kingdom
I'm going to connect interconnected smoke alarms to the lighting circuits. I have both a ground and first floor lighting circuit. Can I connect smoke alarms to both circuits and interconnect with a single core or do I need to connect all alarms to only one circuit (either ground or first floor) and use 3 core and earth from one circuit My first thought is the latter but the former would be easier.

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If your up and down circuits are on different fuses you would have a problem. Use twin and earth 1.00mm from your supply (upstairs is probable easier) to the first detector and then three core and earth to link them.
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If running a cable between the two detectors is a problem, use radio link bases. This way each detector only needs a feed from the nearest light (where permanent live and neutral are present).

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