Snowmen ...

3 Sep 2006
Reaction score
West Mids
United Kingdom
... is snowfun anymore. :(

(nicked from another site)

Here in chronological order are the consequences of making a snowman in today’s Canada

8:00 I made a snowman.
8:10 A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman.
8:15 So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 The nanny of the neighbors complained about the snow woman's voluptuous chest.
8:20 The gay couple living nearby grumbled that it could have been two snow men instead.
8:25 The vegans at No. 12 complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
8:28 I am being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:31 The Muslim gent across the road wants the snow woman to wear a headscarf.
8:40 Someone calls the cops who show up to see what's going on.
8:42 I am told that the broomstick of the snowman needs to be removed because it could be used as a deadly weapon. Things get worse after I mutter : "Yeah, if it's across your head."
8:52 My phone is seized and thoroughly checked while I am being blindfolded and flown to the police station in a helicopter.
9:00 I'm on the news as a suspected terrorist bent on stirring up trouble during this difficult weather.
9:10 I am asked if I have any accomplices.
9:29 A little known jihadist group has claimed it was their plot.
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Sorry, which one; the gormless girl who'd got her head in the clouds (albeit with good intentions) or the prat of a prime minister who thinks it's clever to try and be all inclusive. The girls may grow up one day, but I doubt if the bloke will last.

Just where the donald duck is society going; apart from to the dogs that is.
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WTH does he call this? -

Careful, it could be one of the foreign one's killing out native ****bugs, and you'd get called racist, or a xenephobic protectionist.
Its a common 7 spot native ladybird.

Unlike a Harlequin which bites and is taking our jobs, filling our schools and using up our doctors appointments......oh no, Im confusing that with domething else.....
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