Soddin remain delusional idiots

Have you ever tried having a conversation with a fu ckwit like boddggdd?

Very tiring, I agree.
Unfortunately I learnt long ago never to underestimate anyone. Don't concur he's a fu ckwit ole chap. Just a different take on Things. We all have! (y)
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Have you ever tried having a conversation with a fu ckwit like boddggdd?

Very tiring, I agree.

Festive is right you need to calm down.
I'm waiting now to go into Yoga ... Try it!
You do get into a tizzy. Your blood pressure will go sky high It's no good for you or the NHS.
Unfortunately I learnt long ago never to underestimate anyone. Don't concur he's a fu ckwit ole chap. Just a different take on Things. We all have! (y)

Very kind words.

My take on this bus was. Gove and Boris at that time had no right or were in the a position to make these promises not one of them were PM or minister for health.

Why would you give it to just to the NHS when there is many others who could do with a little bit extra.

The NHS needs to get its house in order, chucking money at it is not the answer. But I think we know that. The Remoaners in their desperation will always use it as a stick to beat us.
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Gove and Boris at that time
.....knew what they were saying was a blatant lie.

They lied about the amount.
They lied about sending it to the NHS.
Voters fell for it.
Quitter campaign based on lies.
Remain campaign was a pillar of honesty and truth was it? :D

3M job losses, immediate recession, WW3, the end of democracy.

I predict Article 50 will be revoked before any 2nd referendum.
.....knew what they were saying was a blatant lie.

They lied about the amount.
They lied about sending it to the NHS.
Voters fell for it.
Quitter campaign based on lies.

You obviously did. I didn't. Think about it. Why would you 350 million eggs in one basket
Talking of pedantic and petulant here comes one now. Off school this week are we?

I salute you brilliant retort to the boyo, it made me laugh :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

If only knowsnowt were a bit more skilled in repartee it could be so much more fun in here ! But alas he's not very skilled in the art of the witty reply.
He does like to bragg I've noticed and I prefer to call him a braggard rather than braggart. The reason is I'd prefer not to associate art with him so braggard is much more akin to persona.
Why do delusional remain idiots think having a second referendum called the 'people's vote' is gonna change anything ?

Who do they think voted last time ? Peoples pets ? Farm animals ?

What were the entities that voted to remain in the last referendum ?

Apes or monkeys ? .....oh hang on ......
Just that.. they are deluded
If the 2nd referendum ended 50. 1 % leave to 49. 9 % remain. Would you want a 3rd vote

John the question above could you answer please.

And if it did go this way, would you want the best of 5 or vote until you win 1
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