Spam Emails

30 Nov 2011
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United Kingdom
Well today has taken the biscuit some company must of sold my email address on I've had 82 Emails all in 48 hours and all of them either loans ,bingo or never before heard of credit cards. Anyway one know a way of stopping all this sh1te :evil:
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Spam filter I'm afraid.. Most emails of this nature have an opt out, or unsubscribe facility, but it's well known that selecting to opt out, let's a lot of these companies know your email addy is live. They then sell/pass on your email addy to the highest bidder and"Hey Presto" millions of spam emails arrive in yer inbox. ;) ;)
I had spam sent throught me to people I had recently e mailed ,potentially embarrassing and a bloody nuisance telling people it was nothing to do with me. Some were clients ,busines associates, timber yard and an old mate I hadn't talked to for year's who was particularly offended,owing to him having put on load's of weight and the rogue E mail was an American alternative for weight loss and he was not happy.
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I use Thunderbird. After you have sent one or two messages to the 'junk' box it 'learns' your preference and sends all the repeat messages from the same source there automatically.

I just empty my junk every so often and the senders are none the wiser.