Speed camera insurance

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
My sister just got sent a leaflet from her car insurers, detailing "extras" she could add onto her policy.

One of them was "speed camera cover". Reading that, I thought it covered the penalty. But no, it is to compensate you if you loose your license through speeding. They will pay the cost of travelling to and from work, and the cost of ferrying your kids to and from school, for 6 months.


I mean, is this legal? It seems ridiculous.

Would they really offer it to someone, say, with 11 points on their license already? I'm thinking most people would find it pretty hard to gain 11 points, then get caught again in a year, the period of the policy (which is about £30). And the insurers would have to be pretty stupid to offer this to anyone ALREADY with 11 points on their license! Especially when its a fixed price, and they cant go ramping the price up for those with 11 points.

But then why would anyone buy it if they have a clean license? Its utterly pointless!

I just dont get it. :rolleyes:
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Got tobe legal steve the insurance company's wouln't offer it otherwise but it would be interesting to know what the small print says because the devil will be in the detail.
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It's been around for a while Steve.
So obviously it is legal but I'll bet if I had 11 points on my licence and applied for such cover believe me, it wouldn't cost me £30! That price must be based on a driver with a clean licence without any history of points etc. All insurance works the same way, the greater the 'risk' you are, the greater the premium you'll pay.

EDIT: Hmmm, perhaps it is a different form of insurance.... http://www.licenceguard.com/start.asp?rn=&co=LG0ZZ8UJJKDFHASMMK

But it IS 'capped'.
It should be illegal.

You loose your license, and its gonna cost you BIG time - thats the idea yeah? This makes a mockery of the law, and shouldnt be allowed.

Value your license? Dont speed. Simples.

Agree with Steve on this one.

Whats the point of punishment if you can insure against it?
And how much are genuine drivers being hiddenly surcharged to help pay for this?
Ban it, along with all the compo lawyers. :evil: