Speeding Up

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
when you start overtaking them.

What is this all about? Mrs Secure (and I when I were driving) uses cruise on the blue roads. We come across vehicles all the time that are going slowly enough that we can pass with accelerating. But as soon as we move out, the car we are passing speeds up.

Now, if she were driving without cruise, it could be attributed to throttle variations in both drivers. But as she is on cruise the speed is very consistent (unless on a hill, then the car will slow before the cruise accelerates to compensate, causing slight overspeed) so we're sure the driver being overtaken is trying to prevent the manoeuvre.

I've even had this on A/B/C roads. When that happens, you are in danger, especially if something appears coming the other way.

It should be an offence?
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Do you know the difference between a two stage overtake and a three stage overtake? No offence it sounds like you might not be up on overtaking theory. btw I used to teach fat policemen how to ride motorbikes and plenty of them were clueless too.

At the point you move to the off-side in a 3 stage overtake you should not be committed to overtake, so there should be no danger if its a no go. It sounds like you may be moving out too late and committing too early.
It happens all the time but it isn't always an intentional speed up. Something to do with the slower driver's auto-pilot ( in his brain ) being affected by the faster driver passing him.

It has been known for blue light vehicles to induce increases in speed in the vehicles they are overtaking.
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MB, I haven't done any recognised MB training.

The terminology "three stage overtake" seems to be centred around those on two wheels.

I am aware of the overtaking triangle, though. AFAICT, it's a different name for the same set of procedures.

What I'm saying is that you can complete the first procedure and commence the second, and not realise there is a hazard (from the 'overtakee' increasing speed) until you are level with them, by which time you are committed to the overtake.
Amygdala response.. Primitive bran sees it as a threat. But simply being woken up to their slow speed is common too
2 & 3 stage overtake is applicable to cars too. Its less about the shape its more about when you move from position 1 to 2. You move to the off-side when its safe for you to move to the off-side, not when you think its safe to start the overtake. If you wait until its safe to start the overtake you are moving too late and committing too early. Position 1 to 2 is - "i'm having a look to see what I can see and its safe for me to look". Its counter intuitive for a lot of folk, because they start by making the decision to go in position 1, and then add a panic pause in position 2 effectively double checking. But they already waited far to long going from 1-2 because it was safe to overtake back then. Whereas if they move as soon as its safe to have a look they are actually shortening the overtake.

You do a 2 stager when you do not need to adjust your speed to pass / follow the target car. You do a 3 stager when you've had to follow them or adjust your speed before determining it was safe to pass.

I found this http://slideplayer.com/slide/8085356/ but its not the best illustration (its a bit Institute of old drivers) - Nothing wrong with the IAM but the car groups can be a bit obsessive about the wrong priorities
Some drivers just can't maintain a steady speed. Their speed drops and they can saunter along for miles before realising they have slowed down. They then speed up for a while before unknowingly drop speed.
Perhaps they just don't like being overtaken by Mrs SS
She's probably driving along on cruise so she can paint her toe nails.
Never used cruise or the speed limiter on my cars, a brain and my right foot is all I need
OK. Right. Sexist ****.

BTW she doesn't paint her toenails at all.

When I drove, I used cruise as well. Does that make me of a lesser brain capacity too?
Cruise Control seems to have heavy foot on the accelerator when the car slows due to a hill, the push in the back as it accelerates back to speed in noticable.

Fuel consumption does appear to be a few percent higher when using cruise control.
It has been known for blue light vehicles to induce increases in speed in the vehicles they are overtaking.
Very possible. I know for a fact that in god's waiting room area of East Sussex, a blue light coming the opposite way on their clear, empty side to the carriageway nearly caused a 4 car pile up on our side as the driver in the front suddenly braked nearly to a stop - 60mph straight single carriageway.:unsure:
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