
23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
There is much talk about the spy who leaked the conversations between trump and the ukranian president.

Maybe the spy saw the transcripts, or maybe he was able to hear it in real time.

Which is something the 'mods' on here are apparently able to also do.

Take a post that was recently written.

The second it was supposed to be posted the following message was attached...


Now I don't suppose any 'mod' has the required abilities to read several sentences in a split second.

So I guess there must be 'markers' put out on certain individuals when they type.

Smacks of the stasi to me!

MOD: Strange indeed, the moderation algorithm is only supposed to pick up posts of interest.
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There is much talk about the spy who leaked the conversations between trump and the ukranian president.

Maybe the spy saw the transcripts, or maybe he was able to hear it in real time.

Which is something the 'mods' on here are apparently able to also do.

Take a post that was recently written.

The second it was supposed to be posted the following message was attached...

View attachment 172109

Now I don't suppose any 'mod' has the required abilities to read several sentences in a split second.

So I guess there must be 'markers' put out on certain individuals when they type.

Smacks of the stasi to me!

Get a grip :LOL:

Yes the Americans really did land on the moon :LOL: it was not a conspiracy

Have you got a van parked out side yer house on a regular basis with blacked out windows?

Some one painting a fence?

Some one up a Telegraph pole? With binoculars?

Ect ect

If so u are probably under surveillance ;)
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Blimey did u have a smart meter installed :eek:

Probably has a listen g device in it ;)

Same jogger running past yer house? And he always seems to stop out side to tie up his shoe lace? ;)
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yep I dare say alot of them Stasi agents made there way to the UK ;)

bloke down this way has recently moved in 6 doors down from me

tbh he looks like a German ;) I have my suspicions about the bloke ;)
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