Starbucks again!!!!!!

Jesus wept mate.

Corporations do not pay tax, they are entities not people.

Corporation tax just means less money for employees, shareholders, and higher prices for goods.

This is what I said, do you get it yet?

Tax incidence, yes corporations "pay" tax, but the cost incidence actually falls on employees, shareholders and customers, hence they don't "pay" tax.
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Well you should have said that corporations do pay tax, and changing the rate impacts on employee earnings and shareholder returns.
Corporations do not pay tax, they are entities not people.

Corporation tax just means less money for employees, shareholders, and higher prices for goods.

You mean like I did say, above and previously.

When In a hole, stop digging.
I had to pay (directors hat on) corporation tax only last week. I promise you that corporation tax exists and is paid from a company bank account.

We are going round in circles and you need to build a reputation here so I'll stop now before you make q complete ass of yourself
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I thought you earned £18k PAYE? What are you paying corporation tax for? Not doing a Starbucks (offshore fiddle) are you?
Thought I told you not to be daft.

We had this conversation before and like all of our chats you came out looking like a nob.

So try picking on somebody more stupid than yerself which means you need to find another website to live on.
It's no good running away mate - you've shown yourself to be a tax cheat or liar - which is it?
Well I admit if I could get away without paying taxes I would be tempted to look into it, but unfortunately not much scope for that in my line of work, everything goes via bank transfers, all accounted for in other company books so it can be audited by the tax man (and it's happened), so I don't.

You see I think tax is either due or it isn't. No middle ground, tax avoidance doesn't exist. If there isn't a law which makes me hand it over then it belongs to me. What people call avoidance is really just not paying tax because it isn't due.

It's people like you in the cash economy who do most of the evasion. Far bigger loss to the Exchequer than the likes of Starbucks, Google and Amazon combined. And when you don't declare the VAT you have taken from your customer you are stealing their tax, not yours.

But anyway we are stuffed no matter what £10m or so they get back from Starbucks.

Can you believe somebody accused me of being you the other day? I've had insults thrown at me on here on many an occasion but none as low a blow as that!
That's a compliment mate. You should have thanked them.

BTW, how do you pay corporation tax on your lowly salary of £18k? You are a PAYE employee.

Unless you are employing yourself on a tiny wage and the company you own is raking in the big money?

The old medical money shuffle.

It's people like you sending this country bust.
You are as daft as a brush Joe. if you weren't so consumed by bitterness you might even be adorable
Our local gp surgery is now something or other limited - they are on the same old trick that you are.
GPs have always had an unusual and highly privileged financial status in the nhs and that isn't going to change.

I'm just glad you aren't calling me mate anymore.
OK mate.

It will have to change as the tax rules say that it must. (They work for one primary employer as a subcontractor).
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