Subsidisation or taking control?

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
With the vast amounts of money being poured into companies across the UK, the question has to asked.

What does the tax payer get back in return for the debt that will be accrued?

Although some of his policies were a bit bonkers, a lot of what Corbyn suggested regarding investment is being enacted by the tories. Albeit under slightly different circumstances!

So if the taxpayer is now expected to pay the wages, should we not get the assets?

After this is all over then we will all end up with a huge (unpayable) debt, but shareholders will eventually go back to getting their dividends and the fat cats salaries will no doubt go back to their usual exponential rises.

Just like they promised not to do after 2008/2009!

I'm not talking about the SME's, but surely we should at least take back control of our services and utilities given the investment we have made and will continue to make!
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I'm not sure Water and Gas or national grid, or the telecoms companies will need significant support.

Rail services being an exception, most of the stuff that's going to the wall is not a core service. Although depending on your view Butlins or Centre parcs might qualify.
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