
15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
It is my opinion, that old people should not be allowed in supermarkets.

I went to my local Morrisons today, and everywhere I looked were old people milling around. Everywhere I wanted to be, there was one in my way.

And dont get me started on the revolving doors. Old people seem to think that you can fill the compartment with a solid block of people, scooters and trolleys, and it will continue to spin. :eek: There was room for a person to fit in, and it stopped, so an old lady decided to get through the gap and make it stop even longer, and it carried on stopping as it edged its way round, millimetres at a time.

And there are no sensors in front of you in a revolving door! They are at the back of the compartment! So when the doors stop, dont move backwards. As the signs say, "keep moving forward"

One old bloke was stood outside under the "largely enclosed" trolley housing area smoking a fag, and carried on smoking it, until on the threshold of the doors, where he discarded his fag and breathed out into the doors, suffocating everyone within. :mad: By rights he should be dead anyway, but he's no reason to inflict his poisonous habit on the rest of us.

Another gripe today is that Morrisons seem to have filled every available floorspace with promotional displays. This sounds a good idea, but they have gone too far with it, and when its busy with old people congesting the place, its a bad thing.
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Yes in some sense it would be good to wipe the world of old people, but then what about your parents? your grandparents? aunties, uncles?

Would it be worth it to lose your family?
To be fair to the oldies, I don't mind them going to the shops in the week - afterall most of us are at work then.

What really gets my goat, is when they go out on a weekend, that should be banned!!! They've got all week to go out while we are at work. At least leave the weekends free so that I don't have to trip over them.

That's what I think anyway, so sorry Steve, they were right to be in the shops today, you should have been at work lazy boy! :LOL:
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You'll be old one day (if an old biddy has'n't run you over with a scooter)
old people should not be allowed in supermarkets..................... by rights they should be dead anyway

I know that I have changed your post but the message is still the same. So what do you suggest we do with them Adolph?
I must confess to being very overweight (fat if you must), but I have never had a desire to eat fellow customers...
I must confess to being very overweight (fat if you must)

I knew you was going to say that for some reason. :p

I think disinfo was implying that all "fatties" (and i guess that includes your good self) should not be allowed in supermarkets because:

They take up too much room..sometimes twice as much as a average human.

They tend to move around very slowly because of their excessive bulk.

As they eat much,much more than the average person so their trolleys are twice as full. Nightmare if you get stuck behind one at the till :evil:

Or maybe he just hates fatties.
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