Tax Dodging Firms - does anyone really care?

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Tax dodging concerns over small firms used to pay NHS test-and-trace workers

The office locations include a former Conservative club in Todmorden, where more than 500 companies are registered, a terrace house in Huddersfield hosting more than 200 entities, and a bungalow in Prestatyn with more than 300.

NHS Covid lab staff hired via pay scheme with tax scam hallmarks

Industrious Recruitment has supplied laboratory staff to the NHS Lighthouse laboratories in Milton Keynes, which was launched by the health secretary, Matt Hancock, last year as the first of three of the government’s “mega labs” processing hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 tests a week.

Hundreds of workers recruited by Industrious to process Covid-19 tests at the site have been employed by multiple companies, the Guardian understands, in a structure that appears to mimic schemes that have previously been cited as depriving the taxpayer of “hundreds of millions” of pounds a year.
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From the same source: "The act of setting up a mini umbrella company is not illegal". Move on. Non story alert!

Perhaps the thread title should be changed to "Legal tax avoidance firms, should anybody care as they are doing NO WRONG IN LAW"?
From the same source: "The act of setting up a mini umbrella company is not illegal". Move on. Non story alert!

Perhaps the thread title should be changed to "Legal tax avoidance firms, should anybody care as they are doing NO WRONG IN LAW"?

HM Revenue and Customs warned in December that “most MUC arrangements are considered to be fraudulent”.

Wow so you will plunge to the depths of supporting tax doding firms to protect your party.
Regarding the TV actors who are taking loans from their own companies and never paying them back, surely it would be a simple matter of either making it illegal for anyone to take a loan from a limited company or, if it’s a foreign registered company, to make it so that a UK resident has to pay a punitive tax on any 'loans' from foreign companies. Surely that can’t be too difficult?

Your hypocrisy really is on show again.
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Your hypocrisy really is on show again.
As are your so-called holier than thou morals.

Why? Until it’s illegal, it’s legal. It’s not the fault of those that work within the law. It’s the fault of those that make the law. I don’t know who introduced those laws. Do you?
As are your so-called holier than thou morals.

Why? Until it’s illegal, it’s legal. It’s not the fault of those that work within the law. It’s the fault of those that make the law. I don’t know who introduced those laws. Do you?

So as long as it's legal is acceptable? Claiming benefits is legal but you denigrate these people. So what's the difference? You are happy to criticise people who legally claim, legally use the health service but when these companies legally dont pay tax its oh diddums.

By the way claiming asylum is not illegal - so you need to walk that back as well. Clinging to the defence it's legal is fine if you apply it consistently. (y)
As are your so-called holier than thou morals.

Why? Until it’s illegal, it’s legal. It’s not the fault of those that work within the law. It’s the fault of those that make the law. I don’t know who introduced those laws. Do you?
Ah, I see I’ve already said that in the post you partially quoted from. Still, always better when you use selective quoting isn’t it? ;)

Here’s the rest of the quote - the bit you missed.

Putting the morality argument to one side for the moment, isn't the fact that these companies or individuals can legally avoid paying their fair wack of tax is the fault of the government and the government alone? It’s the government officials these TV makers should be targeting, not those that are doing what they are being allowed to do.
Wow so you will plunge to the depths of supporting tax doding firms to protect your party.
mottie doesn't have morals when it comes to receiving taxpayer's money for not doing any work, so it's unsurprising that the bottom of his 'moral barrel' has already been well and truly scraped!

No doubt he'll keep on trying though...

HM Revenue and Customs warned in December that “most MUC arrangements are considered to be fraudulent”.

Wow so you will plunge to the depths of supporting tax doding firms to protect your party.


employ an accountant do u ? to do yer books reference your property empire ?

he does yer books on the info you provide ?

yes precisely ;):mrgreen:

people who live in glass houses bla bla
I think the answer is, No. Most people don't care.

They might moan that their schools are failing their kids, that there are long waiting times for NHS treatment, that the roads are falling apart, that police are never tackling street crime, but they never stop to wonder why that might be, and keep supporting the party that helps rich people avoid paying tax. Some things will never change.
I don't care about anyone who does legal things. I care about the possibility that people in power might turn a blind eye to loopholes in tax law that will help their pals. Not the same thing.
The question is, do we need to change the law?
As I understand it, the EU was / is in the process of changing tax laws, which would stop a lot of the tax avoidance. And opposition parties said they would close loopholes.
But people didn't want to vote for those policies.
jeez us they have been closing loop holes for years

there are firms out there looking for loop holes , the minute one is closed they find another one

tax office is constantly playing catch up
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