That's a Shame

22 Jul 2023
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United Kingdom
I seen the recent thread containing all that abuse from the usual culprits has been deleted in its entirety. That's a shame, I would have preferred it to be left intact.

But it does prove one thing, the posts reported by Mottie were not deleted immediately because the mods had a weekend off.
Now, I assume, they're back.
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Roy, has it ever, for a second, crossed your mind that it's you? It would appear (to me) that every thread in which you contribute, descends into a ****show. Why is that?
Best ask the usual culprits why they invariably resort to abuse.
If they cannot make a sensible argument without resorting to abuse, they ought to keep quiet.

Of course, as I've repeatedly said, if they resort to sufficent abuse, they can rely on it being deleted, especially if they report the posts in that very thread.

At the same time I can accept and understand that I will have upset some. But if people post offensive, untrue, fake, comments, what do they expect?
Best ask the usual culprits why they invariably resort to abuse.
If they cannot make a sensible argument without resorting to abuse, they ought to keep quiet.

Of course, as I've repeatedly said, if they resort to sufficent abuse, they can rely on it being deleted, especially if they report the posts in that very thread.

At the same time I can accept and understand that I will have upset some. But if people post offensive, untrue, fake, comments, what do they expect?
Roy your attitude problem and the way attempt to talk down to everyone cause the issues.

Try and be cheerful and well mannered. You’ll get to keep posting “Probably”
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Best ask the usual culprits why they invariably resort to abuse.
If they cannot make a sensible argument without resorting to abuse, they ought to keep quiet.

Of course, as I've repeatedly said, if they resort to sufficent abuse, they can rely on it being deleted, especially if they report the posts in that very thread.

At the same time I can accept and understand that I will have upset some. But if people post offensive, untrue, fake, comments, what do they expect?
Himmie, for goodness sake learn from your mistakes.
every time you descend into this diatribe about racism and complaining about “the mods”, you get banned

Please just have a break from the forum, it’s for your good.
Roguehangar has a familiar ring to him I can't quite put my finger on.
Plenty more where that came from.

Roguehangar has a familiar ring to him I can't quite put my finger on.
Plenty more where that came from.

Same MO 100%
So Roy is a complete fruit cake, who’s been banned more times than we can count.

Are you ok Roy ? There’s help if you need it. The first step is asking
Himmie, for goodness sake learn from your mistakes.
every time you descend into this diatribe about racism and complaining about “the mods”, you get banned

Please just have a break from the forum, it’s for your good.
If that is aimed at me, I'll continue to confront racism whenever I encounter it.
And I won't be asking for your permision to do so.

If you're content to allow racist comments and defend them, that's your choice. it's not mine.
You're welcome to your attitude to racism, and I'll continue with mine.
Roguehangar has a familiar ring to him I can't quite put my finger on.
Plenty more where that came from.

Same MO 100%
So Roy is a complete fruit cake, who’s been banned more times than we can count.

Are you ok Roy ? There’s help if you need it. The first step is asking
Here we go again. Another evening wasted reponding to trolls.
Only for the whole thread to be deleted later to hide their self-induced embarrasment due to their excessive abuse.
Here we go again. Another evening wasted reponding to trolls.
Only for the whole thread to be deleted later to hide their self-induced embarrasment due to their excessive abuse.
You’ll notice almost the entire forum agrees Roy ? I’ll leave you to look stupid in the septic thread.

You’re doing special work in that one.
Roy your attitude problem and the way attempt to talk down to everyone cause the issues.

Try and be cheerful and well mannered. You’ll get to keep posting “Probably”
Your problem is your assumption that your abusive attitude and behaviour is not really abuse.
I can pick out just about any of your posts and show your typical abuse.
For exmple, your very next post, suggesting that I have a problem:
So Roy is a complete fruit cake, who’s been banned more times than we can count.
Are you ok Roy ? There’s help if you need it. The first step is asking
You and plenty of others have the problem, you're unable to discuss issues without resorting to abusive comments.
Then your impatience gets the better of you, and you become even more abusive. And it becomes group-think to be abusive, and you all start believing each others baseless accusations.

i could be even more suspicious and assme you go to excessive and ofensive abuse in the full knowledge that one of you will report several posts., and the thread will be deleted to save you all from your own embarrassment.
You’ll notice almost the entire forum agrees Roy ? I’ll leave you to look stupid in the septic thread.

You’re doing special work in that one.
Here we go again. You're so unsure of your own position you're claiming nonsensical triumphs.
That was where you started before, then descended into excessive abusive insults.
It's a pattern you can't escape from. It's all you have. It's your only tactic.
Here we go again. You're so unsure of your own position you're claiming nonsensical triumphs.
That was where you started before, then descended into excessive abusive insults.
It's a pattern you can't escape from. It's all you have. It's your only tactic.
I just tell you how I/we feel Roy.

73 likes now! Keep up the good work. Impressive.
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