The country might be mad.

7 Jul 2010
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Not sure why this is noteworthy, newsworthy or plaqueworthy, but -

to save expense of correcting any mistake (whatever next?), why not just change the definition of the words?

Does the team think it was done intentionally for mischievous reasons or did someone not understand what they were doing; i.e. ignorant and used the wrong words?
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It is perfectly OK, if it is celebrating her "gender-noncomforming" behaviour rather than her sexuality.
I can understand why people would want to celebrate her gender-noncomforming behaviour, e.g. the first woman to wear trousers, the first woman to ride astride a horse, the first woman to join an army, the first woman to run the marathon, etc., or a woman who embraced all of those behaviours, thereby not comforming to the general idea of a woman's role.
But why would people feel the need to celebrate someone's sexuality?
Gender non conforming :ROFLMAO:

Some people are up in arms because it doesnt say lesbian.

She was described as 'the first modern lesbian'

What were those 'non modern lesbians' that went before her than?

Last night blind date had a guy chossing a date between 3 transvestites ( they couldve been transexual, or gender non conforming, nobody said). I know we should be accepting, but I found it made difficult warching. One cant help wondering how the sexual orientation options work out.
Julie Furlong, who started the petition, wrote: "Anne Lister was, most definitely, gender non-conforming all her life. She was also however, a lesbian.

"Don't let them erase this iconic woman from our history.

"A gender non-conforming woman can be many things because it only means that you do not conform to societal expectations. It has nothing to do with sexuality."

What is the plaque celebrating, her gender-noncomforming behaviour, or her sexuality?
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I see she died in 1840.

I bet 'gender nonconforming' was a common phrase then.

One can hardly turn a page of Dickens novel without 'gender nonconforming' popping up :ROFLMAO:
I see she died in 1840.

I bet 'gender nonconforming' was a common phrase then.

One can hardly turn a page of Dickens novel without 'gender nonconforming' popping up :ROFLMAO:
Lesbian was not a word that popped up often either, except to describe people from Lesbos:
(in continuous use from 1890; the noun lesbianism from this sense is attested from 1870) and the noun, which is first recorded 1925.

If we only used words to describe someone from history with words that were in use in their time, I do not suppose we would be able to read many of the inscriptions, or there would simply not be suitable words available.
What is the plaque celebrating, her gender-noncomforming behaviour, or her sexuality?

What is relevsnt is that a bunch of Lesbians arent happy it doesnt say Lesbian.

(Ive made assumptions about 'a bunch of', it could be any persons conforming or non conforming)

What is relevsnt is that a bunch of Lesbians arent happy it doesnt say Lesbian.
Hardly irrelevant. What does it say on the plaque? I.e. what is the plaque celebrating her for?
There may be some who are not happy that Winston Churchill's statue does not describe him as a warmonger.
We all are entitled to our opinions. Even if those opinions are the opinion of a minority.
(It looks like the petition might reach 2,500 after a week. I do not suppose it will go much higher.)
Hardly irrelevant. What does it say on the plaque? I.e. what is the plaque celebrating her for?
There may be some who are not happy that Winston Churchill's statue does not describe him as a warmonger.
We all are entitled to our opinions. Even if those opinions are the opinion of a minority.
(It looks like the petition might reach 2,500 after a week. I do not suppose it will go much higher.)

Its irrelevant.

They are complaining because it doesnt say Lesbian.

The issue is not what it says, its that some people are unhappy what it does not say.
Its irrelevant.

They are complaining because it doesnt say Lesbian.

The issue is not what it says, its that some people are unhappy what it does not say.
They can complain all they want!
Those people who are unhappy did not commission the plaque.
Those who did commission it can decide what they are celebrating.
He who pays the piper.........

Perhaps those who are unhappy about the contents of the plaque could commission and pay for another. Then they can decide what is on the plaque and why.
They can complain all they want!
Those people who are unhappy did not commission the plaque.
Those who did commission it can decide what they are celebrating.
He who pays the piper.........

Perhaps those who are unhappy about the contents of the plaque could commission and pay for another. Then they can decide what is on the plaque and why.

Still irrelevant.

Those that are complaining are the ones getting the headlines.

We arent discussing who paid for it.
Still irrelevant.

Those that are complaining are the ones getting the headlines.

We arent discussing who paid for it.
Those who paid for it, commissioned it and decided what they wanted to celebrate about Anne Lister's life. That is what is on the plaque.
If I commission and pay for a plaque to place on my house (assuming I have appropriate permission) saying, "Iwallikehimamartian lived here" I am celebrating the fact that I lived there.
If the posters on DIYnot object, hard luck! I paid for and commissioned the plaque. I decide what it is about me that I want to celebrate.
The DIYnot posters can complain to their heart's content. It will not change the plaque. I may, if I decide in the future, to consult the public about any future plaques celebrating my life. I may not.

Additionally, why would anyone feel the need to celebrate someone's sexuality?
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