The French answer to Gypsies

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I am fascinated by the fact Joe consistently uses the apostrophe correctly in the contraction but he is clearly quite poorly educated.

Hey Joe. What year did you leave school, how old were you and what qualifications did you have at the time?
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Over here in Britain we have two types of "gypsies" the Romany Gypsy and the itinerant Irish traveller type Gypsy, dont confuse the two.
Of late we have had an influx of Romanian Roma Gypsy, three completely different types of Gypsy.
The Romany Gypsies are usually self employed businessmen and have nothing to do with the itinerant Irish tinker types who are rogues vagabonds and thieves, the Roma type Gypsies are akin to the Irish tinkers whose culture is to live by thieving and begging and they usually have big families as an insurence against getting old.
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I am fascinated by the fact Joe consistently uses the apostrophe correctly in the contraction but he is clearly quite poorly educated.

Hey Joe. What year did you leave school, how old were you and what qualifications did you have at the time?

Your grammar is nothing to write home about.

I suppose you'll be asking where I'm going with that gun in my hand next.

I'm smarter than you are; and that's what counts. ;)
I'm not in the slightest bit interested in your gun. Do with it what you will.

You did it again. Three correct uses of the apostrophe in the contraction, and you even threw in a semicolon. A very dangerous punctuation mark if you ask me, not even sure I'd dare throw one of those in, but you did.

And you spelled 'grammar' correctly, not many people do that.

So you obviously went to school, yet you consistently give the impression you are very poorly educated indeed.

What year did you leave school, how old were you and what qualifications did you have at the time? I'm waiting for your answer mate.
The semicolon was used because I wanted a longer pause than a comma allowed.

I'm happy that you think I'm uneducated, but it's just a forum and I really can't be arsed going through it over and over.

I may be poorly educated but I paid for yours.

It doesn't say much for you though, that some illiterate poster on a nondescript DIY forum can kick your butt with such ease.:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
But you aren't illiterate as such, in fact I highlighted your skills in this area.

That's what fascinates me about you, you have a degree of literacy which is at a level way above your abilities in other disciplines. In fact you highlight this in the way you answered my post.

You accused me of thinking you illiterate when I said exactly the opposite. It seems that you can write but not read, usually if somebody has difficulty it's the other way round.

So, what year did you leave school, how old were you and what qualifications did you have at the time? I'm waiting for your answer mate.
If you really want to know, I left school (a bad school) at 14 years and 11 months. I was unable to read a newspaper and could barely write.
At 16 I went hitchhiking around Australia alone. I had my 17th birthday living on the beach in a cave at Darwin. I made a living by picking up old coca-cola bottles and getting the deposit back, and taking stale bread from the skip at the bakery.

I'm completely self-taught, and I'm not ashamed of that. In fact it's something that I'm quite proud of. I can talk about virtually any subject. I am capable of original thought. Intelligence isn't something found in the classroom.

Happy now?
I quite agree Joe, school teaches you, doesn't educate you. And you will be delighted to know re your schooling I guessed about right.
I'm not ashamed of it. Hang around and I'll kick your ass on any subject you care to name. :mrgreen:
You shouldn't be ashamed.

You should just stick to subjects you know about if you are going to dish it to others.

PS I reckon that means I win and you lose lol
Nope. When you can demonstrate gravity without corresponding mass - you win.

Until that time - I win.
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