The May deal

I doubt anyone commenting here or elsewhere has read the huge document or has the slightest idea what is in it.
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Some time after Theresa's resignation

possibly also after the General Election. Or, if not, shortly before.
Oh I get it, so it will be a referendum to join the EU then.
Cameron had a referendum; it was a mistake.
May called an election; it was a mistake.

Keep postulating that there will be another referendum if it makes you happy, but the only thing another referendum would prove is that the politicians are even more stupid than we think.

Unless the outcome of a referendum is completely irrelevant - should we increase the speed limit on motorways to 71mph? - there will never be another.
The remoaners seem to think we will just forget brexit and go back to playing happy families with the EU.
All along the politicians have been saying that they respect, will abide by, and will implement the will of the people.

The PM has been consistent in "Brexit means Brexit".

When challenged over any evidence of ignorance in their decision to vote to leave, a very common response is "I knew what I was voting for".

You aren't very good at this, are you.
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