The parting of the ways

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
After two years living with me, Wendy has decided we should part company, so I am sadly back to living alone again. My original partner of 35 years, passed away after decades of worsening illness, disability with me stuggleing to care for her, some five years ago.

Wendy and her colleague both had a major fall out with the school they worked at, on the Friday, then on the Monday she suddenly announced she was going back home to family in Edinburgh.

It all leaves me wondering, was she here for me, or just for some cheap digs whilst she had a job here?
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Sad to hear.
It all leaves me wondering, was she here for me, or just for some cheap digs whilst she had a job here?

I was talking about something along that lines with my brother and sister in law. I've always had a feeling that men are heart/emotion orientated and women thow in some brain as well. ;) She agreed. I came across what seemed to be an extreme case. A pub owner. Got married and shortly after divorced - bang went the pub. Local people thought that was her intent all along.
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Women eh?, you can't live with 'em, and you can't live with 'em. Please don't take it too badly Harry, pick yourself and dust yourself off, you seem like a sound bloke and I'm sure somebody else more deserving will come along.
You've got plenty of friends on here if you need to talk, although as far as advice on women goes, I'm probably the least qualified person in the world, I've always found women to be strange bastards.
It all leaves me wondering, was she here for me, or just for some cheap digs whilst she had a job here?

Dear Harry

I'm sincerely sorry to hear about your woes. :( :(

Sadly, you are not alone and many go through what you have just experienced.

By all accounts like most, you were not prepared for this at all.

Reading between the lines, I can assume she was here for the job. Importantly, she is the only
one that can answer that. Caution advised I would not push her for an answer as the response my
hurt you even more.

Unlike most, I post very honestly and often my posts are misquoted/twisted. I saw you as not a nice poster towards me
but I may have got the wrong end of the stick and apologise in advance. Having stated that, this post is as genuine as it gets, so once again I feel for you.

Thankfully I've never been left like that or cheated on/used/etc that I am aware of.

It's difficult but the bright side of the coin is, she is not going to take at least half of your and your wife's hard worked for cash/property/etc.

Never forget, you are not the first or the last. Sadly it is a fact of life some very nasty people may laugh at your circumstances but those that care will
give you words of comfort.

Time will heal. You may find another OH or atm it is too raw and understandably you will never want another OH

What she has done to you is very nasty IMHO. However, we are all different but IMO it is not right.

Don't do anything rash, sleep on it, think about it and if you are to ask questions etc, be prepared for the response and never let it get out of hand. Not saying you will.

Take care mate and don't drink too much
Btw, I've met many OH's that have been cheated on, used or the OH just left it is often cheating by the other and they will make all kinds of bS reasons.

IMO, when the OH leaves when they have been cheating and I'm not saying yours has, it is better than being deceived for weeks/months and in many cases years.

If she said she wanted to come back and made a mistake you will IMO take her back as we are all like that ie the injured party. So be careful and think hard if that option is offered


Mrs Lard once asked if I'd been looking at porn on the net, I said "No, I've been looking on Plenty of Fish, get your bags packed she'll be here in 20mins" :)

If she finds it so easy to leave, she was of no worth to you in the first place.

Get yourself back together and get out again in the near future.

You'll find the company that you deserve if you really want it.
Women eh?, you can't live with 'em, and you can't live with 'em. Please don't take it too badly Harry, pick yourself and dust yourself off, you seem like a sound bloke and I'm sure somebody else more deserving will come along.
You've got plenty of friends on here if you need to talk, although as far as advice on women goes, I'm probably the least qualified person in the world, I've always found women to be strange bastards.
A bit brutal!

In the main, I think most women would just like somebody who they can rely on and who won't go cheating on them.

The first Mrs Secure was brought up by her alcoholic father who tortured her with beatings and sleep deprival. I loved her dearly and wanted to take her away from all that and "save her". She was violent towards me and I now see she wanted me to hit her back, but I refused. I drew the line at holding her at arm's length.
One day she kicked me down the stairs. I got up, walked out and never went back. 7 years later, I was driving home from work when I heard on the radio that she had been found murdered in her flat and her boyfriend had handed himself in. She was 32. I didn't know where she lived at the time, but in a really strange twist, that news article came on just as I drove past the street she lived on.

I had a GF a few years after leaving the first Mrs Secure. Things were good, but my GF was insanely jealous of her. One day I found her in the bedroom, in floods of tears. I asked her what on earth was wrong.
She just looked at me and pointed at the floor, where lay photos of my wife that she had found in a box in the wardrobe and ripped to shreds.
Maybe my comments are not much consolation:
If we see potential partners in the same light as we would view an injured wild animal or bird, we'd happily take them in, feed them, look after them and when they're were well enough, we'd willingly set them free to live their own lives.
And we'd wish them well for their future, despite how much we'd miss their company.
Aye, if it wasn't for what's between their legs, we'd be out shooting them on Sundays.

Reminds me of an old Jethro joke. A woman, who was a three foot six midget went to the doctor and told him she had severe problems with her fanny, it would become inflamed and red raw. The doctor said OK hop up on the table and I'll examine it, nothing to see the midget said, it only happens when it's raining.
OK the doctor said, call and make an emergency appointment next time it's raining. A few days later it was p1ssing down and the midget phoned and went to the doctor.
The doctor put her up on the table and examined her, oh my god he said that's a right mess, I'll have to make some alterations there. He picked up a scissors and a scalpel and went to work, snip snip snip, snip snip snip, snip snip. Eventually he helped her down from the table and told her to walk around the room, how does that feel he said.

That feels fantastic she said, what on earth did you do?

The doctor said I've cut an inch off the top of your weiingtons.
Many people probably do not know what goes on in schools these days. Teachers jobs get changed at the drop of a hat and rumoured that if they don't comply there is a large group longing to work there. Schools went through the early retirement stage with good terms long ago. One of my cousins was one. My wife is retired now. She also mentioned what turned out to be budget cuts.
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