The Skiing Thread: (No B**x*t Or Politics!)

7 Jan 2014
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West Glamorgan
United Kingdom
Clearly a few skiers on here, so how about a thread for chatting about it?

The wheres and why-fors, travel, places, tips (give it up it's 'kin expensive!:D). Anything really.

The air force taught me to ski in the mid 80s, as the fitness element of a survival course. Fas fwd to Nov 14, when the daughter asked, "So are you puttin your money where your gob is and coming skiing?" Jan 15 aged 58, we were in Meribel for a week. Been every time possible since then, twice a year. Last year was meant to be a month as a try-out for a season, ended coming home due to covid after 2 weeks. And here we are... Mainly France so far (one Dolomites trip), lots of 3V, and Grand Massif. I'm an intermediate, wifey is too, but a denier- prefers blues and greens. Never flying for a week again, after driving last year- loved it.
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Ive been skiing -Italy and Austria.

I managed to do the classic thing and break my leg in Italy -school trip, back in the days when it was the Lira.

Havent been ince sadly so cant contribute anything useful...however I will be a beady eye on the thread -I wouldnt mind going again.
My mother lives in Austria in the

little town called Reutte

fairly near a ski resort ? Think it’s called berwung dunno if that is how u spell it

as for ski ing never tried
Went once to Soll in Austria before we were married and then to Borovets in Bulgaria and enjoyed it immensely, especially the apres ski. Went back to Soll a few years after we were married. Took our two year old son and my mate, his wife and his two year old and four year old. Went in January 1988 and we had a bloody heatwave so no real skiing. My son got ill, my wife got ill so we cut our losses after 4 days. My mate had had enough too. We booked a minibus to take us to Germany and got a plane home. I tried to gee them up to go again a good few years ago but none of them would have any of it. Too old to go now - frightened I’d break a bone! Get a load of those moon boots! :rolleyes:

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'During the war'!

Actually, when I came home from South Africa in 1982, we cruised home. Took three weeks. They actually let me take a stint of driving the ship! Anyway, this a skiing thread so I’ll shut up now.
Skiing is this a luxury thing 'builders' can afford? :eek:
The only thing I like about skiing is that I've never tried it and my legs still work fine.
What I can say is you get what you pay for. The Austrians have it (the whole ski thing) sussed. The French on the other hand are rude and let their dogs shoite everywhere, but the food is amazing. Skiing is skiing and snow is snow. I will say though the Black Mamba (black run) up on the Glacier at Zell Am See was a beast in the late afternoon, having been churned up.

If you like an adrenaline rush then you will like skiing.
I tried a black run once. Got up there, didn’t like the look of it but I had run out of points on my pass to go back down on the lift. Couldn’t turn quick enough so dumped myself at every turn, flipped my skis round in the right direction, got up and started again. Took me ages to get down and my legs were like jelly!
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