The unvaccinated.

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27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
I've just been watching a senior nurse on the news telling of her frustration at dealing with covid patients and the fact that many routine operations are being put back because of the time and effort put into that. She says that the vast majority of covid patients being treated in hospital are the UNVACCINATED.

Sure, this backlog problem has built up from last year when there were no vaccinations available but now that there is, there's no excuse.

Is it just me that finds it ironic that the proudest of proud anti-covid vaxxer on this forum, Ellal, is always banging on about those that are suffering or dying because of the lack of beds or doctors treating other complaints because of, in their words, the 'virus'?

Ellal luv, YOU and your ilk are the ****ing problem!
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If some take the decision not to have the vaccination, I respect their decision, although I think they're selfish and risking the health of others for their own selfish reasons, unless of course, their decision is made on perfectly reasonable medical or ethical grounds. If I was of a mind to not have the vaccine, I'd isolate myself as much as possible in order to minimise any risk to others, and keep myself as safe as possible.
What really gets my goat is when they peddle conspiracy theories trying to persuade others to join their pointless, selfish and mistaken crusade.
They are exactly like the Trumps of this world, distort the truth, tell bare-faced lies and repeat garbage in their pursuit of endangering others.
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Currently approx 7600 people in hospital with covid would any of you care to put up a link of the break down of how many of them are vaxed and how many are not to attempt to show the vast majority are unvaxed
It's your position, you support it with evidence.
I’m a christian . God is looking after me.
And you're following the typical Christian doctrine of converting every one else to your faith, thereby endangering their lives.
Science has proven that doctrine to be dangerous, divisive and counterproductive.
And you're following the typical Christian doctrine of converting every one else to your faith, thereby endangering their lives.
Science has proven that doctrine to be dangerous, divisive and counterproductive.
God is looking after Me.
Everyone else is free to do as they please.
God is looking after Me.
Everyone else is free to do as they please.
So why the numerous fallacious arguments trying to convert everyone else to adopt your position?
Typical Christian doctrine: I'm only thinking of your best interest (as ling as you agree with me :rolleyes:).
Onward Christian Soldiers :rolleyes:

But the reality is you are the mistaken one. Your doctrine is dangerous, divisive and self-defeating.
So why the numerous fallacious arguments trying to convert everyone else to adopt your position?
Typical Christian doctrine: I'm only thinking of your best interest (as ling as you agree with me :rolleyes:).
Onward Christian Soldiers :rolleyes:

But the reality is you are the mistaken one. Your doctrine is dangerous, divisive and self-defeating.

You are confusing Christianity with religion, The Church with the Bible.

The two are not the same.
Currently approx 7600 people in hospital with covid would any of you care to put up a link of the break down of how many of them are vaxed and how many are not to attempt to show the vast majority are unvaxed
No numbers but there plenty of stories from respected doctors and news outlets confirming that the majority are unvaccinated. When the majority of cases are amongst the minority of the population that could be vaccinated, what more proof do you need?

ddenbrooke hospital boss says 80% of cases unvaccinated.

Perhaps @ellal could ask the 'doctor' sons for the figures in their hospitals?
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