The vagaries of humankind...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom

"Rescue workers successfully herded a pod of pilot whales out of Kolgrafarfjörður fjord, West Iceland, last night. About 60 whales are believed to have been trapped there yesterday, for the second day in a row. They had been herded out of the fjord by rescue workers the night before, after becoming trapped in the shallow fjord"

Meanwhile, not that far away...

"Images show fishermen driving herds (of pilot/beaked whales) into shallow waters that have already been stained red by the blood of previously slaughtered animals."

What a 'remarkable' species we are!
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What a 'remarkable' species we are!
I do think David Attenborough has a point when he describes the human race as a plague on the Earth...What a beautiful paradise this world must of been before homo sapiens.
It is utterly ironic that we are constructive with one hand and destructive with the other.
We save lives and we take them.
We are kind and we are evil.
We nurture and we destroy.
We are selfless and we are greedy.
We love and we hate.
We are intelligent and we are stupid.
Or as almost a decent line in an advert says, we are responsible and we are responsible.
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"Images show fishermen driving herds (of pilot/beaked whales) into shallow waters that have already been stained red by the blood of previously slaughtered animals

Utterly shocking.

I saw a programme about fishing for sharks fins for soup. They land the sharks on deck, hack off the fins then throw them back to die.