The 'virus' rules only apply to the unprivileged...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"Quarantine rules are set to be eased for business travellers in England."

"The rules will be relaxed for top bosses of foreign multinational firms visiting English branches and bosses at firms planning to invest.

Returning executives will also be exempt from quarantine.

In each case, the business trips must result in a deal which creates or preserves 50 jobs or leads to a £100,000 investment or order, according to the Department for Transport.

The new rule will allow business people to travel to England from countries that are not on the UK's list of travel corridors without having to isolate for 14 days on arrival.

The move was announced in a tweet by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps."

I thought we were told we were dealing with a pandemic, and everyone had to follow the same rules?

But then of course the first rule is 'Profit before people'!
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Lorry, bus and coach drivers are exempt. Are they the ‘privileged' you refer to? There’s plenty more that are exempt. Any on THIS LIST that you don’t agree with either?
Oh well, it's obviously no point in trying to point out the bleeding obvious to the uneducated...

PS. We're talking about people flying into the UK btw :rolleyes:
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Oh well, it's obviously no point in trying to point out the bleeding obvious to the uneducated...

PS. We're talking about people flying into the UK btw :rolleyes:

From your link........."In each case, the business trips must result in a deal which creates or preserves 50 jobs or leads to a £100,000 investment or order, according to the Department for Transport."

That's wonderful news, is it not?
Oh well, it's obviously no point in trying to point out the bleeding obvious to the uneducated...


I guess we must all be uneducated on here - nobody else seems to agree with your view. BTW, nice grammar in your sentence. You sure you went to school?
I thought we were told we were dealing with a pandemic, and everyone had to follow the same rules?

That's never been the case. Front line workers didn't stop working, not everybody has to work from home, not all kids have to go to school.

Makes a lot of sense. Many people are capable of staying safe - you're probably safer on a business trip than living in a house with kids that are in school! I caught it off my youngest at primary school - now my eldest's entire year has been sent home for 2 weeks because of an outbreak. I think I'd be safer on a business trip!
Unfortunately in life there will always be an anti vaccine/anti mask minority..
They always shout the loudest but never win.
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