Theresa's mercenaries getting itchy feet

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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Her promise of a billion to buy their votes may not be enough to stop them jumping ship

Her hard line on rejecting the available options on offer led her down this damaging path. Where will the NI border controls be? No-one knows.

"The prime minister's coalition ally in Northern Ireland has threatened to withdraw support over the issue.

The Democratic Unionist Party said details of the draft treaty "fundamentally breached" an agreement reached in Brussels late last year.

"If the EU or Dublin believes the UK government will be signing up to a border in the Irish Sea, they are deluded," said senior DUP member Sir Jeffrey Donaldson."

Buffoon Boris' silly notion that national border controls can be managed like a road toll do nothing to help.

As the UK government can't make up its mind what it wants to do, and has no plan, the EU will publish a draft today.
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"Back to the drawing board" comes to mind.

So, if I am right, TM agreed a backstop position with EU, so we could move onto the 'transition deal' but now TM (strings being pulled by DUP) is saying that backstop position is not available? o_O
An EU proposal for the Northern Ireland border threatens the "constitutional integrity" of the United Kingdom, Theresa May has said.

It sounds like a typical RWR stance.
sadly, the Brexiteers have forced theresa to reject all the options on offer.

If the UK government can decide what they want, and desribe how to do it, perhaps there is a way out of this impasse.

They haven't managed yet.

Would any of our resident Quitters like to try?

Just find a solution and tell us what it is.

Ive got an idea.

Lets say we wont stay in the customs union, but there will be a 'type of customs union'. We wont be able to make our own trade deals, but we will be able to work with the EU and collaborate on parallel trade deals.
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Lets say we wont stay in the customs union, but there will be a 'type of customs union'. We wont be able to make our own trade deals, but we will be able to work with the EU and collaborate on parallel trade deals.
That sounds cack.
That sounds cack

Yes I thought so too, when Emily Thornberry announced it as labour policy:

We leave and then we have to negotiate a new agreement that, we think, is likely to be a customs union that will look pretty much like the current customs union.”

If we were to say to the European Union ‘if you want to negotiate with third party countries, we could be connected to that agreement and it would be to the advantage of Europe to have a great, big economy like Britain as part of your negotiations’.
We are either in or out. Anything else is wishy-washy and leads you to think - what's the point in leaving.
I'd have preferred to stay in the Customs Union and even the EEA, but then we can't do our own trade deals and we wont have a seat at negotiating the EUs. No cherry picking remember.

What I don't get is why its acceptable to have a border in the Irish sea (for the EU) but not one on the main land.
We are either in or out. Anything else is wishy-washy and leads you to think - what's the point in leaving.

Have a hard border in Ireland would bring back the troubles, at least it has been reasonably peaceful since the borders were removed.
How will Gibraltar cope with a border with Spain ( that could be the next problem)
What I don't get is why its acceptable to have a border in the Irish sea (for the EU) but not one on the main land.

As I understand it, the UK government has not said it is acceptable to have a border between NI and GB, nor between NI and IE.

However IE is in the EU. When UK leaves the EU, and refuses to accept any of the options that enable open borders, how does the UK government think it will work? Do the UK government think that goods and people will pass between the UK and the EU with no border controls? They haven't said. All they've said is that they don't want any of the options on offer. But they have said they don't want free movement of people. How will they do it? They just hope they'll think of something.
They spoke about this on the radio ect

tis all ball cocks tbh , tis all remoaners clutching at straws :LOL: looking to make a mountain out of a mole hill :LOL:

usual waffle
Take a look if you will at Google Street View at the many roads that cross the border between Poland and Ukraine, or any EU "frontier" country with its non-EU neighbour. See how little there is in the way of fences and gun turrets? I've spotted some roads with no check-point at all. So the EU's external borders are a very perforated thing indeed. It's beyond me why the EU commission would think to force a hard border between Eire and NI or the Island of Ireland to mainland Britain without first getting its own shop in order w.r.t a hard border at its own perimeter. Said perimeter would have to include a near blockade of Switzerland too. Fortress Europe by name only.

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