Those massive queues at Dover that brexers claim don’t exist….are back

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
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Right at the start of the school holiday season too. Whoda thunk? You seem as surprised as JohnD did when it happened at the start of the Easter break too. Can you two honestly say that you do not know what happens at ports and airports at the start of every major school holiday break? We never saw any of that while we were in the EU, did we? Oh, wait……

Are you also surprised at the queues on the roads every morning and evening? Or the packed busses and trains at the same time every day? Grow up FFS and stop clutching at whiney remainer straws.

How about queues on the A30 on Bodmin moor in the holidays? I hear some people regularly got stuck in them for hours years and years ago. Oh, it was you! Brexit wasn’t even a word in those days, was it?

takes me back to holidays as a kid, many a happy hour spent sitting in the back of my parents ford Zodiac on the A30 on Bodmin moor in a queue of endless caravans.
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All that wasted fuel, polluting the local environment.
Perhaps some sort of scheme to reduce harmful emissions might be warranted? :unsure:
That’s a good idea. I wonder what politician thought of it and implemented it first in a major city? I also wonder if some hard up mayor might then think of expanding it to include some of the cleanest boroughs under his control where it will make feck all difference to the air quality but will hit the poor who rely on a car to get to their low paid jobs? :unsure:
We never saw any of that while we were in the EU, did we? Oh, wait……

Are you surprised that resigning from one of the worlds finest schemes makes travel, as well as trade, slower, more expensive, and more arduous?

Of course you aren't.

You just don't care.
Are you surprised that resigning from one of the worlds finest schemes makes travel, as well as trade, slower, more expensive, and more arduous?

Of course you aren't.

You just don't care.

Don’t care tbh
I am not in said traffic jam :cool:

Any event one can probably blame the french scoundrels for the caper ?
One can doubtless blame lying Brexer Johnson and his Brextremist underlings who arranged the hardest Brexit they could manage.

Pity the poor sods who have to find workable bodges to circumvent the carnage.
Are you surprised that resigning from one of the worlds finest schemes makes travel, as well as trade, slower, more expensive, and more arduous?
Travel more expensive six years after deciding to leave? I think you’re confusing inflation and the post pandemic, Ukrainian war cost of living crisis with Brexit. Was it ever quick and less arduous around ports and airports at the start of every Easter and summer school holiday periods? Nah. Time you took those shît tinted glasses off that you've been looking through since 2016.
That’s a good idea. I wonder what politician thought of it and implemented it first in a major city? I also wonder if some hard up mayor might then think of expanding it to include some of the cleanest boroughs under his control where it will make feck all difference to the air quality but will hit the poor who rely on a car to get to their low paid jobs? :unsure:
They poor because they have dead end jobs thanks to economy - wonder who has been managing that.

Thanks for admitting your errors - finally.
Travel more expensive six years after deciding to leave? I think you’re confusing inflation and the post pandemic, Ukrainian war cost of living crisis with Brexit. Was it ever quick and less arduous around ports and airports at the start of every Easter and summer school holiday periods? Nah. Time you took those shît tinted glasses off that you've been looking through since 2016.

There are loyal dogs then there is you. Brexit makes everything worse. It adds to the misery it does not alleviate it.
They poor because they have dead end jobs thanks to economy - wonder who has been managing that.

Thanks for admitting your errors - finally.

There are loyal dogs then there is you. Brexit makes everything worse. It adds to the misery it does not alleviate it.

Every financial source I read clearly states that Germany is f****d, and we're not.

How queer.
Travel more expensive six years after deciding to leave? I think you’re confusing inflation and the post pandemic, Ukrainian war cost of living crisis with Brexit. Was it ever quick and less arduous around ports and airports at the start of every Easter and summer school holiday periods? Nah. Time you took those shît tinted glasses off that you've been looking through since 2016.
So brexit has made no difference ?

Which means either
1. You are wrong, or
2. There's no benefit from Brexit or it would be cheaper and easier.

Either way, it's worse now
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