Thunder and (much needed) rain

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I'm east coast of Scotland just north of Edinburgh. Thunder started a short while ago followed by (now heavy) rain.

Hope you guys elsewhere across the UK get rain very soon.
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Massive claps of thunder, rain can't come down quick enough. Hopefully there'll be minimal flooding!
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The ground is hard , there will be problems with Drain Off , so expect flooding .
Yeah saw a guy on tv the other day putting a glass of water upside down on damp grass, normal dry grass and dry hardened grass/soil. It was interesting to see each absorb the water less quickly, and on the hardened ground it hardly moved at all. I get these are science basics but still interesting to see.
Plenty thunder south of Edinburgh too (Ikeaish). I ran out and brought the washing in but there's no sign of a deluge yet
To avoid flash flooding we need a steady rainfall for a few days to help soften up the ground. Hail stones would be a bonus as they would settle and not run off but slowly melt into the soil. After that the ground would cope better with a heavy downpour.
Nothing in Essex yet. But we need light showers for a few hours before heavy rain. Ground is solid here.
Forecasts suggests it might rain late afternoon.
Yeah reports of many flooded streets up my way, one extreme to the other right enough.
and it all floods into the rivers and out to sea.

We need beaver!

Here comes the rain, la la la la

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