Time for something a little different

23 Dec 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom

I know the adverts pay for DIYnot to stay online, so that's all good with me.


Is it just me, or is this advert really weasley?

It's the "Leading question" aproach to adverts and headlines and the likely result that it leads to a click-bait site with more "BUY THIS F**KING GADGET RIGHT NOW BEFORE THEY BAN IT!!!". Who are they? Why would they bother to force the product off sale? If it's a dodgy legal area for selling military grade equipment, why would it be advertised so openly on the net?

It's not, and they don't.

Rant over.

Over to you apologists, anarchists, RWRers, pedants, scholars, academics, dreamers, idealists and armchair detectives - I'm certain you'll have a slant on the advert too.

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Maybe they're thinking if them muslims get hold of them they might be able to go around blinding people, or at least give them a severe dazzling. :eek::LOL:
Hum, a reasonable sized start from "Team RWR". I'll give you 6/10 - must try harder. Which team is up next?
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This is the internets & anything goes.

Should advertising be highly policed or should all of it be policed?

Who will pay for this?

Who will be responsible for doing it?

Would it be better to just allow it to happen & hope that the gullible can learn from their mistakes !
A strong contribution there from Team "More Questions Than Answers", 7/10 (Perhaps?????????)
It fooled you didn't it . . . . you actually bought one didn't you?

Go on, admit it.

You feel robbed of your £money & your dignity.
I suspect you are right but that said there are many things it is legal to sell but not use. There have been attempts to ban the sale of some of these items.
If you like a comment of someone who's ignoring you, what happens to the "like" that you posted?
Can they see it? Is it recorded or discarded?
Perhaps I should ask Admin.
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