Tom Plum, the wonder plumber from Wigan.....

  • Thread starter PrinceofDarkness
  • Start date
He gives good advice in an understandable format. A blessing to the DIYr.
His tools are cheap, and his tips seem to be about saving money in stead of how to do it right. Somehow makes me think of polish plumbers; 10 for effort, but lacking quality.

Very unfair comments, the man had more knowledge & skill in his big toe that you gas cowboys.
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The modern boiler engineer may have electronic test meters, contact thermal meters, optical tacometers, oscilloscopes, laptop link, pressure gauges as well as a flue gas analyser. This is whats needed to repair the latest boilers.

Tony are you suggesting you carry these instruments (pray tell make and model) in the back of you Vulva estate (sorry Volvo shooting brake)? With all these fancy electronic gear (why is there a need for multiple items- plural 'scopes, meters etc), is there any room left for simple tools like screwdrivers and spanners? Must cost a mint to get these instruments caliberated each year. :LOL:

In all fairness, Tony is a bright chap who shoots himself in the foot when he starts praising himself starts belittling others. If only Tony would let others sing his praise instead of him blowing his own trumpet, he would not be rediculed by people who do not know our Tony.
Oops, I think Telly Tony forgot to include his light meter & view finded??
Oh & his Avon make-up bag!!!

:LOL: :LOL: He does leave himself wide open at times, does auld Tony!!!
Oi! Leave Tony alone!

And Tom - chust get orf you lot.

Let's pick on someone else instead. I dunno - who shall we choose? It's fun...
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Tom is a very inovative plumber who can think outside the box.
Some useful tips on his videos for the pro's as well as the DIYers.

I can identify some of this threads contributors as ex-screwfixers using very simular moniker's to the ones that they used on screwfix.
I joined screwfix very briefly a few years ago and to be honest it had a lot of knowledgeable contributors.
However,I left quickly when a lot of idiots suddenly moved in.

Generally a good bunch on here with just a few twerps!
"yourmoneyoryourwife" is namely one of them - you know the type thinks he knows it all - I can tell you he knows everything about nothing :D
That stupid moniker that he uses kinda gives him away I guess.

He probally botches all his jobs so badly that he has to take the customers Mrs hostage in order to get them to pay his bill! :D

Mind you if he took my Mrs hostage - he could keep her (he'd be doing me a big favour) :D :D :D
So,,, you have made your mind up after watching only one video, when you state that you watched some videos? [/quote]

Yes but have since watched more and my comment still stands

Let me guess,,, you watched the one about soldering copper straight to lead?
Tomp does explain that this would be a temporary fix, eg on a Sunday afternoon when plumbers merchants would be closed and would leave someone with water overnight, until a full repair could be done. {/quote]

Wrong the one i watched the make shift 'power flush'


I bet your one of these plumbers who doesn't answer the phone at weekends and leaves customers without water over the weekend.

wrong i do work weekends but there is a charge involved like there would if you worked for a employer and was to work extra hours ie overtime??
my spare time means alot to me and will not be sold short. if its emergency then i am very reasonable and will help the customer as best i can with regards to payments.

Tomp is a great chap and I won't hear a bad word against him. He shows the way plumbing used to be done and how to overcome some problems with temporary fixes. He'd probably passed his apprenticeship years before you were even wearing nappies and knows more about plumbing than you'll ever know.[/quote]

I don't doubt he is a great guy and yes he is will know his stuff. Things have changed in regards to alot of things in plumbing and old habits die hard. used to be done is not the same as how it is done. Water regulations were brought in to stop some of these short cuts as they were seen to be a risk to safety. the regulations replaced the water by-laws as these differed from county to county and were not strictly a law were a regulations is LAW.

i would take a guess that he was plumbing way before me im 26. im also time served and been in the industry for about 12 years (my old man is a plumber and gas engineer). Im all for helping people and teaching people but CORRECTLY. my advice on here does stem to more than 'get a plumber' or 'get a RGI you are minion'. as long as its safe and not breaking a law, the person seems competent to do it then i will give advice. things DIY'r don't think of are things like BS6700 BS5440 Part L, F, G of building regs just to name a few which ALL plumbing and heating/ gas works must comply too. I hope this clears a few things up hints, tips, and tricks are good but if they go pete tong is the DIY'r looking stupid. If you do ever think that its ok to flout these regs then read BS6700 reg2 this all about how and what you can be prosecuted for
If Tom made more videos, I would spend more time watching them and less time reading this thread.

Come on Tom, where is that video you promised me on fitting outside taps. :LOL:

AKA Fubar... :LOL:
He has skills that are not be taught these days. How many modern plumbers do roof lead work these days? None. You can bet that Tomp had to do this sort of work when he were younger.

You probably belong to the rip it out and renew brigade, simply because you don't have the skills to effect repairs to old plumbing systems ;) ;) ;) ;)

Wrong and yes i did learn to boss lead. do lead slates and flashing for wall abutments, dressing chimney's doing filter pieces lead box gutter and canopy's. not mention more it was all part of city and guilds trianing.

And i am not part of the rip out brigade if cant be fixed and the customer does not specify new then a fix it is. old boilers are far more simple than new ones alot less controls. but once again some times plumbers and heating engineers are tied to the law and building regs more so Part L. most old boilers need to have there controls upgraded to meet this and can some times cost as much as new boiler. The customer should always have th option though even if the engineer thinks it will be easier to install new. if dont want the work move to the next engineer who will simple.
Problem is, when you read all of the posts on here,, certain people confuse "service engineer" with "plumber"
A proper time served plumber is capable of doing a hell of a lot more than some cowboy who spent 3 or 4 weeks on a course, learning how to take the front cover off an Ariston Combi. Read through the posts, you'll see the ones I mean, for whom the words "gas engineer" and "boiler service technician" seem to roll off their silvery tongues.

Grow up lads, there's a world of difference between those occupations and a real plumber. Just get over it and move on. and,,,, most importantly.
LEAVE TOMP ALONE. ;) ;) ;) ;)
hi guys, and lady,
tony, a car with a rev counter, oil gauge, temp gauge etc doest help the driver nor the mechanic, they are gissmo's for the people who want them, but more than that they are sales products for the 'snack oil' sales men, yes plumbings moved on and tomp fits and fettles new boilers, because he understands the principle of how they work and using a wiring scematic and logic can nail a fault, not allways at first go, but better than a triainee with a laptop and ipod,
the vids are a help to many, and he's had requests for many more, any tradesman will see staight away some are' tongue in cheek', its part of his make up to have fun as well as help others FREE OF CHARGE,
anyrode i'll tell him when i see him , he's sure to thank joinerjohn for his support and lucia and dev's for being in his corner,
Thank you, gentlemen, for your contributions to my thread. I can't say that it has gone quite the way that I intended, but at least it served enough for me to better understand a few attitudes on this branch of the forum.........


Volvo 960 is currently resting and if I need an estate its a 406. Most of the time in London the 106 parks more easily and does over 50 mpg.

Today at a nuisance CSI 85 I had all of those apart from a scope. But rather than the laptop I had a Nokia E72 in case I needed internet access. I dont have global web access on the laptop.

Plenty of space for normal boiler tools!


PS For those needing mobile internet, if BT are your ISP then they include at no extra charge mobile access to the 3G system.
So,,, you have made your mind up after watching only one video, when you state that you watched some videos?

Yes but have since watched more and my comment still stands

Let me guess,,, you watched the one about soldering copper straight to lead?
Tomp does explain that this would be a temporary fix, eg on a Sunday afternoon when plumbers merchants would be closed and would leave someone with water overnight, until a full repair could be done. {/quote]

Wrong the one i watched the make shift 'power flush'


I bet your one of these plumbers who doesn't answer the phone at weekends and leaves customers without water over the weekend.

wrong i do work weekends but there is a charge involved like there would if you worked for a employer and was to work extra hours ie overtime??
my spare time means alot to me and will not be sold short. if its emergency then i am very reasonable and will help the customer as best i can with regards to payments.

Tomp is a great chap and I won't hear a bad word against him. He shows the way plumbing used to be done and how to overcome some problems with temporary fixes. He'd probably passed his apprenticeship years before you were even wearing nappies and knows more about plumbing than you'll ever know.[/quote]

I don't doubt he is a great guy and yes he is will know his stuff. Things have changed in regards to alot of things in plumbing and old habits die hard. used to be done is not the same as how it is done. Water regulations were brought in to stop some of these short cuts as they were seen to be a risk to safety. the regulations replaced the water by-laws as these differed from county to county and were not strictly a law were a regulations is LAW.

i would take a guess that he was plumbing way before me im 26. im also time served and been in the industry for about 12 years (my old man is a plumber and gas engineer). Im all for helping people and teaching people but CORRECTLY. my advice on here does stem to more than 'get a plumber' or 'get a RGI you are minion'. as long as its safe and not breaking a law, the person seems competent to do it then i will give advice. things DIY'r don't think of are things like BS6700 BS5440 Part L, F, G of building regs just to name a few which ALL plumbing and heating/ gas works must comply too. I hope this clears a few things up hints, tips, and tricks are good but if they go pete tong is the DIY'r looking stupid. If you do ever think that its ok to flout these regs then read BS6700 reg2 this all about how and what you can be prosecuted for[/quote]

26!!!..................... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Yes, these are the pearls of wisdom from a 26 YO that has been wetnursed by his Daddy. Get real son!!!

Tom is a highly skilled artisan, that has learned his craft from years of experience & at the hand of journeyman as an apprentice. Plumbing & Central Heating does not change, you can put fancy badges on it & call yourself an engineer or anything else, but the fact remain, sh.te goes downhill & hot water rises. You can put all sorts of electronics in a boiler, but it's still a boiler.
Tomp's tools are not cheap.
The tester in view is about a fiver.

He's using tools that were bought years ago. Anyway since when did using "cheap" tools mean a crap job?
Tomp shows tips which householders could possibly use to save money, and what's wrong with that these days?

The combination of cheap tools PLUS the use of parts in a way they are not intended to be used, indicates a mentality of "anything to save money". Nothing wrong with saving money, it's the "anything" part that is worrying.

How many of us have been ripped off by unscrupulous tradesmen in the past?
The missus meanwhile had phoned AAAAAAAAAAArdvark Plumbers out of the Yellow Pages (No Call Out Fee's) Yeah right.

Your choice of company was based on: 0800 number, let's not pay for the phone call, and no call out fee: let's not pay for the guy's time to drive here.
The adage peanuts...monkeys applies here.
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