Tory Minister in unlawful tax-dodge fiddle with porn king

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
The Conservative Housing Secretary has admitted unlawfully signing off on a housing development proposed by a billionaire porn tycoon who previously donated to the Tories – a decision which the Tory Minister made immediately before a new tax rate was introduced, helping the wealthy mogul save £40m in extra tax on the scheme.

Following Jenrick’s highly controversial decision, Tower Hamlets Council initiated legal action against the Tory Housing Secretary accusing him of showing bias in the timing of it.

In the course of legal proceedings, Tower Hamlets Council asked the court to force the government to release all relevant correspondence related to Mr Jenrick’s decision, arguing that the details could prove that Jenrick had acted in a desire to help the developer save money in tax.

However, faced with the prospect of releasing the details, Mr Jenrick simply accepted that his decision was indeed unlawful.

And you think I'm making it up?


"The housing secretary unlawfully approved a property development of a billionaire tycoon who once donated to the Conservative Party.

Robert Jenrick has accepted that he showed “apparent bias” when he gave the green light for Richard Desmond to build 1,500 homes in the Isle of Dogs, east London. The timing of the decision meant that the mogul avoided a £40 million bill over the scheme.

Mr Jenrick agreed that planning approval should be quashed after the council initiated legal action against him alleging that the timing showed bias. Mr Jenrick rubber-stamped the scheme against the advice of the government’s planning inspector."
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Just missing Mottie and Ryler of the four horse$hit men of the Torycopalypse.
I had salted. The girls had flavoured.... Do you eat Pop Corn??

I do on occasion but haven't for a while. Strange, it's not a snack I'd consider eating at home, but an absolute must on a trip to the cinema.
I do on occasion but haven't for a while. Strange, it's not a snack I'd consider eating at home, but an absolute must on a trip to the cinema.

Of course its not allowed...

Cunning really we snuck it under our jumpers.

I will say.... We have done it more than just the once....
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Robert Jenrick

Funnily enough, Jenrick has also been using the words "move on" today.

Perhaps he soon will.

Mr Jenrick himself faced calls to resign after being caught travelling 150 miles from his London property to his mansion in Herefordshire. He then travelled yet further to his parents' house in Shropshire.

luckily for him, his boss, Cummings, is very forgiving of anyone breaking lockdown and isolation.

Jenrick said people could do the same as Cummings, even though his actions have provoked uproar, with up to 40 Conservative MPs calling for him to resign and surveys showing most of the public think he was wrong.

More Tory MPs went public on Tuesday night and Wednesday with calls for Cummings to resign, while three of the party’s new County Durham MPs – Richard Holden, Dehenna Davison and Paul Howell – said none of them would have taken the same decision and acknowledged that the “continuing situation is creating a major distraction”.
Cummings is NOT his boss.
He certainly has that infallibility/untouchability that only a boss could posses. Surely you don't think bumbling Boris is running things? Boris is way out of his depth at the moment. This crisis has exposed Bozza as weak and incompetent with a weak subservient cabinet to boot.

Get Brexit Done, lol.
What an odd answer. You claimed he was his boss, but when pressed said he had some characteristics a boss may possess.

Of course the cabinet is weak and subservient. Boris sacked anyone who looked remotely like they may challenge him.

It is amusing that,

a) you are linking Brexit to this


b) you think that someone who is "way out of his depth" and is "weak and incompetent" can, in your own words "Get Brexit Done".

What a ****ing laugh.
you are linking Brexit to this
I'm linking Bozza to Brexit. The slogan "Get Brexit Done" is the only reason many people voted for Bozza. It's the reason I put the slogan after any posts concerning the buffoon to remind them why we have him in power.

b) you think that someone who is "way out of his depth" and is "weak and incompetent"
b) you think that someone who is "way out of his depth" and is "weak and incompetent" can, in your own words "Get Brexit Done".

What a ****ing laugh.
You think Cummings Bozza had much to do with the whole process? You are deluded boyo.
Is that your way of saying that if Brexit doesn't go the way you want you can blame someone else?

How the fork can you vote for Boris to "Get Brexit Done" if he doesn't have "much to do with the whole process"?

Now who is sounding deluded?
Just missing Mottie and Ryler of the four horse$hit men of the Torycopalypse.
Missing me? I’ve been about but not seen much worth commenting on until now. "Torycopalypse"? Has your mum been letting you play with your alphabetti spaghetti again? Just eat your dinner like a good boy and stop playing with your food.
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