Traffic light cities

18 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom
Don't know about where you lot live but Exeter must be in the bidding for the title of most traffic lights in the city, perfectly good roundabouts hav now all sprouted lights " to ease traffic flow" just so happens when they go tits up the traffic moves more freely also you aproach said roundabouts at say 11.30 pm no traffic but you still have to wait , why cant they be turned off at say 10.30 pm untill 6.00 am across the country the energy saving would be significant.
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0ther than pelican crossings we only have 2 sets of lights one of which is now more or less permanently on green for through traffic in the main we have roundabouts and mini roundabouts and the traffic moves very freely
Don't know about where you lot live but Exeter must be in the bidding for the title of most traffic lights in the city, perfectly good roundabouts hav now all sprouted lights " to ease traffic flow" just so happens when they go tits up the traffic moves more freely also you aproach said roundabouts at say 11.30 pm no traffic but you still have to wait , why cant they be turned off at say 10.30 pm untill 6.00 am across the country the energy saving would be significant.
what Exeter needs is more cycle paths :mrgreen:
In my home town there was a perfectly good smallish roundabout near the town centre. In their 'wisdom' the council decided to rip it out and create a 4 way traffic light intersection. Result? Vehicles drawing up at the intersection with no other vehicles to be seen. Previously (roundabout) they could have carried on their way. Now they have to sit and wait. To my knowledge the lights aren't intelligent so don't automatically change in these scenarios.

The council later admitted it hadn't been a success and reinstatement of the roundabout was being considered. Never happened.

Fecking idiots.
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The reason why this hasn't been adopted?

Traffic control systems are a multi billion pound industry!
Roundabouts are safer, collisions less serious and they are vastly more efficient.
Could you explain why you think that?

Could it be that when left to common courtesy most drivers respect other drivers, rather than being conditioned by a light system that causes them to believe there is an absolute right or wrong?

In other words, do you think that left to their own devices people are less of an automaton?
Same where I live. Roundabouts have worked well and efficiently for years. People obviously have to use their brains and judgements and, miraculously, it works, day in and day out!

I have experienced the same at signalled crossroads. When the lights stop working people have to neogitate it together, moving carefully watching the other drivers, and it seems to work, and is arguably more efficient and safer. When there are lights, people go mad trying to make it through before red and assume safety is taken care of.

Back to roundabouts, the problem with them is that there's no money in it for contractors, maintenance companies, consultants. No complexity. Just a load of earth with a kerb around it. Needs mowing sometimes. I think this is the issue, combined with an extreme health and safety regime.

We now have this absolute monstrosity near us, called a "hamburger" interchange. It is basically a butchered, segmented roundabout with about 50 traffic lights around it. You move from section to section, waiting and waiting. If you can get through before they change, go for it, because you'll have a long wait otherwise. It all looks very complicated and expensive, and it isn't very good.

Then again, we see this with works traffic lights. One near us last year, on a straight road with clear visibility both ways for a 2.5m length of "works". Absolutely no need for lights. Waste of tax payer's money, control freakary, and a waste of everybody's time.
Could you explain why you think that?

Could it be that when left to common courtesy most drivers respect other drivers, rather than being conditioned by a light system that causes them to believe there is an absolute right or wrong?

In other words, do you think that left to their own devices people are less of an automaton?


1 because right of way is clear and people are conditioned to traffic joining rather than green means go mentality.
2 traffic flows in the same direction not opposite or adjacent.
3. There is more room and visibility to avoid a collision

1 if nothing is coming the other way there is no reason to wait
2 there is no “time to change loss” in the system. Which is going to be 4-8 secs every sequence
3 don’t need electricity to operate.
30 different junctions and what they can cope with on city skylines:
Nobody seems to be affected by people in wrong lanes at roundabouts.

Causes lots of issues, albeit smaller maybe
local Council put in a couple of mini roundabouts one day basically a mound of concrete about 12 foot circular that night im in a cab going up that road and it has snowed .
As the cab took off when it went over it cab driver was what f@@k was that
Oh roundabout mate they put it in today and slow down there is another at next junction ... They are now just painted circles
Roundabouts are safer, collisions less serious and they are vastly more efficient.
Not in the case of Princess Parkway, A5103, Manchester, junction with. Barlow Moor Road.

The building of the Parkway commenced in the late 20s. In the 70s, this junction was a huge roundabout and at least every week (if not more), there were prangs on this roundabout. It wasn't long before it became a traffic light controlled crossroads.
local Council put in a couple of mini roundabouts one day basically a mound of concrete about 12 foot circular that night im in a cab going up that road and it has snowed .
As the cab took off when it went over it cab driver was what f@@k was that
Oh roundabout mate they put it in today and slow down there is another at next junction ... They are now just painted circles
and signs at the side of the road?
I have experienced the same at signalled crossroads. When the lights stop working people have to neogitate it together, moving carefully watching the other drivers, and it seems to work, and is arguably more efficient and safer. When there are lights, people go mad trying to make it through before red and assume safety is taken care of.
Adding to that, there has been a big increase in 'smart' traffic lights...

And in my opinion they are overall a better option than the 'dumb' traffic lights...

Not waiting in the middle of the night at a junction when no cars are coming in the other direction for example.

But what I have noticed is that since the 'smart' lights spot a gap in traffic, drivers speed up (tailgate) to avoid missing the light change!
(mea culpa at times!)

The smartest option is an aware driver as opposed to a dumbed down driver who is conditioned by too many rules!

Take out unnecessary controls and as the studies have shown traffic flows better.
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