Tragic news for racist bigots

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Daily Mail shares plummet 25% after announcing catastrophic £112m losses"

"Shares in the company that owns both The Daily Mail and MailOnline have plummeted by 25% after they announced a huge £112m loss.

The publications’ parent company DMGT made a profit of £202m in 2016, but said that ‘challenging conditions in some of our sectors’ had led to the huge losses incurred in 2017.

And, in a stark warning for the paper’s long term future, the company added that they expected 2018 to be just as tough.

"The news of the Daily Mail’s financial troubles will also come as fantastic news to supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, who has endured a torrid campaign of abuse from the far-right publication.

The Daily Mail subjected the Labour leader to an astonishing
14 pages of negative coverage on the day of the election, a barrage that Corbyn responded to in hilarious fashion during Labour’s jubilant Conference earlier this year.

In scenes that delighted Labour members and supporters, the Labour leader essentially told The Daily Mail to go f*** itself:"

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So are you saying the typical Daily Mail reader is a racist....

Oh and the Daily Mail is a far right publication........

A bit of an exaggeration!

A right wing biased rubbish paper maybe.....
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I see, so you are saying quoting the Daily Mail as far right is ridiculous
No. What I said was the Daily Wail is a likely read for the RWR.
Shall we do this again a bit further on in the thread and say the same things?
I used to be hooked on the Daily Mail, everyday I couldn't wait to get my daily fix of outraged indignation at "Albanians are eating our Swans" type of headlines in the Mail.
I no longer read the Mail although I do sometimes feel an urge while passing a newsagents to go in and have just a little peek at the latest headline but if I did I would be hooked again ,it is all about self control.
Marxist party!

Notch sounds like a true Wailer.

It's very important for them to denigrate Labour with their made-up nonsense, because they know the tiny size of swing needed to throw out our current minority government.

Sadly for the Wailists, the only people who pay any attention to their nonsense are other Wailists. It just repels others.
I do not read the daily wail neither have I ever bought it ?

dunno if any one knows ?? but the owner of the daily wail does not pay tax in the UK :) :sneaky::sneaky:

dunno if any one knows but

The labour party pay a million squid a year in rent for there head quarters to some company reg' in some off sure tax haven?:sneaky::sneaky:
listen up way r beeee

at a guess ( as u are on ignore) I would say u make a fair point :rolleyes:

check out M&S for the cases ;) some good deals

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Notch sounds like a true Wailer.

It's very important for them to denigrate Labour with their made-up nonsense, because they know the tiny size of swing needed to throw out our current minority government.

Sadly for the Wailists, the only people who pay any attention to their nonsense are other Wailists. It just repels others.

JohnD clearly cant admit John McDonnell's political persuasion is Marxist. In his mind he has to believe its just made up nonsense.
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