Tuck me its a joke

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Southend is in Essex...

So is that mottie showing off his prehistoric misogynistic side and his reserve 'pole collection'?
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A TRADITIONAL sexist was left feeling hurt after being branded a woman-hating misogynist.

Martin Bishop of Leeds enjoys leering, wolf-whistling and breast-and-arse-related ‘banter’, so was mortified when someone suggested he had a problem with the opposite sex.

Bishop said: “I see myself very much as a ‘Jack the lad’ figure. I love talking about women’s bodies and cracking jokes about how they belong in the kitchen. You know – traditional, wholesome sexism.

“But the other day I was hitting on some tart in a club and she had the nerve to call me a ‘misogynistic pig’ – just because I said she had a lovely arse and asked if she fancied a shag. Some women just can’t take a compliment.

“I said, ‘Listen darling, I love birds, I don’t hate them. My mum’s one for Christ’s sake.’ Then she chucked her drink in my face and walked off, but I’m pretty sure she was just playing hard to get.”

Bishop’s best friend, Nathan Muir, defended his mate’s friendly antagonism towards the opposite sex.

He said: “Martin may say the odd horrendous thing from time to time, but he doesn’t hate women. He loves them. That’s why he spends his time trying to have sex with as many as possible, often without telling the other ones.

“He might come across as sexist, patronising, unfunny, boring and obnoxious, but once you get to know him you realise deep down he’s just a ****.”
Just like on here, some people have no sense of humour.
Only prehistoric ignorant misogynists would think that it's only a 'joke'!

I rest my case.

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I always thought jokes were funny.

What will be funny is if the women win the world Cup. Showing the men how to do it.

When was the last time the mens team got to the world Cup finals?
What will be funny is if the women win the world Cup. Showing the men how to do it.

When was the last time the mens team got to the world Cup finals?
When was the last time the mens team entered the womens world cup tournament?

On a more serious note, my No'1 son is heavily involved in getting more laydeez involved in rugby & he reckons some of the lasses coming up through the sport are technically brilliant !
I always thought jokes were funny.

What will be funny is if the women win the world Cup. Showing the men how to do it.

When was the last time the mens team got to the world Cup finals?

Your not expecting me to stick up for the knee bending wet tea towels are you?
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